
Alannah ‘Charma’ Banana  (Sharma).                              


              Alannah Surinder Sharma was born on Jan 29th, 1995 in Kamloops, British Columbia to East Indian Immigrant Canadian parents.  Alanna’s Family had emigrated to Canada when they were younger from London ,England. Both sets of Alannah’s Grand-Parents had settled in England after having fled India following its traumatic and bloody Partition in 1947. Her parents were both raised as Londoners and into the Culture-blending 1960s of that City. 

             Alannah’s parents made the move across the ‘Pond’ to Canada to join other relations already here –and settled in Kamloops, British Columbia. Being raised in 1960’s-era London, they were not quite as ‘traditional ‘ as many from their ethnical background. So Alannah had the benefit of travelling about B.C a lot as a young Girl visiting various Relatives in different Cities, Towns and Communities.  Her Parents rejected the concept of any sort of ‘Arranged’ Marriages, and resisted the pressures of the East Indian Community by allowing Alannah to find her own loves, likes and interests. ( As 1960s-era Parents are wont to do).

               As a young Girl, Alannah was famous within her own Family circle for her love of Bananas.  And would loudly claim any and all Bananas she set her eyes upon as ‘Alannah Banana’. This soon became her Nick-name. 

             When she got older and was in High school—a love of Music was ignited  as she had grown up listening to her Father’s vast Vinyl LP Collection of Classic Rock Bands and Western Pop Music.

            While loving her own Culture, Alannah  was attracted to learning various Musical Instruments as part of her High School Curriculum. She became accomplished at playing Keyboard, Guitar , Drums (as her Father possessed a small Drum Kit he taught her some playing on when she was younger) and she loved to Sing and Dance.  So School Plays and Drama Productions followed. Alannah developed not only a love of Music , esp. Western Music, but gained a grasp of many other Technical things necessary to Stage and Sound Production. Lighting, Photography, Camera Operation and also panned out into an interest in Film-making.

          All in all, by her late -teens , Alannah was a gifted young Musician, Knew her Music , a Classic Rock expert and how to set-up for Concerts and shows. She became a ‘Go To’ person in these areas. This made her a Popular personality in Social Circles. She soon expanded her liking for other Rock Genres such as Death Metal and Nordic Rock—(much to the chagrin of her Classic Rock Father). Needless to say—Alannah burned with a passion for Music not often seen. 

 She had been calling herself Alannah Sharma Banana ..then Alannah ‘Charma’ Banana—dropping the Sharma.

           It was after she left Highschool and travelled to Live for a while in Vancouver-that while at a Party Venue with some friends  she would meet and become introduced through a common Friend to the other members of a Band (Mike Parris and D.S / Denis Savoi)..and perhaps at one point Bimmy?- that would later become known as , ‘The Belt of Orion’ Band. But at that moment-she had no idea how Fate would later cast its Spells upon her in future times.