Band Bio:   “Belt Of  Orion.”


The  Belt of Orion Band Members hail from a variety of musical and geographical backgrounds. They were once a 3-piece, then a 4-Piece and occasionally,  a 5-piece Band. But the Central core of two Members in this Group have remained a constant stabilizing factor, the journey of this Dream continues. The fruition into Reality well defined by Time and Experience.



It might have been a rainy night in a London Subway Tunnel where Mike Parris was busking the night away , often for mere Pennies. He grew tired of the thankless Role he had of playing for the occasional gratitude from the hurrying passers-by. He realized this had to end and find a new phase –he needed to Travel…travel far, far away.

The next Rainy night, (the weather didn’t change a lot where he was living), a Light was approaching down the Tunnel he played in. Was it a Flashlight that was coming towards him? Or a Beacon pointing to a New World? What happened next would be an experience to blow one’s mind………..

……for this was no ordinary Light, Mike Parris was shown a Vision of an amazing future and he would become a ‘Man out of Time’.


Now half a Generation later, and a world away… he had an idea. A Blueprint for a New Life.


Fast forward to a different Continent, and new Life and a New Dream Millennia…..


The ‘BELT  OF  ORION’ was not formed overnight, but born …across a 1000 Nights …or more.

It is much more than a Rock Band, but as much, and more of a, ‘State of Mind’ than a group of individuals hewn together by chance or circumstance. At some points possessing the energy of a Raging Fire, and at others- like the soft whisper of falling Rain striking against leaves…a sound for the inner soul.

Called at different times, the ‘BELT  OF  ORION’ / ‘ORION’, or  simply ‘Bofo’ –it being the Dream of one man, then a second from two different places and backgrounds, but with a common bond of their shared passion for the same Musical Influences and Sounds.

The ‘BELT  OF  ORION’ Rock Band is named for a vast Nebula, no doubt among the most impressive to be found in the Night Sky.

This Rock Band itself, is a collection like-minded Souls passing through this Space that we call Life.

A Space that has seen this Band’s Journey ebb and flow, falter and grow. During the Trials of Life and Time itself, this Band has grown and developed.

And as the newer members swirl and weave about the Nucleus – an energy is formed that resembles the Band’s Namesake.



Origin:  Various Cities and Locations from around BC & Canada .

Namely Victoria, London, Vancouver, Kamloops & Vernon.

Genres:  Rock ‘n’ Roll, R & B, Indy Rock, Post-Punk.

Years active:  2011-present.

Label:  Ergotone Records.

Website: BOFO.CA


Founding member: 

Mike Parris. (Euro –import & Anglo-Canadian).

Drummer / Vocals / Song writer.

Musical Influences:   R&R ,R&B, Punk Rock & Post Punk, Indi. Rock, Classic Rock, Folk.


Founding member:

‘D Savoi’ ( Aka ‘Den').

Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Song writer, Cello & other classical strings.

Musical Influences:   R&R ,R&B, Classical, most Genres.


Member at Large:

Bimmy Von Ulfernsteff. (The man, not the Title).

Drummer / Percussionist / Vocals/ Tea maker.

Musical Influences: :   R&R ,R&B, Classic Rock, Post-Punk, Pop, Techno.


Member at Large:

Alannah ‘Charma’ Banana.

Keyboard / Vocals/ Guitarist.

Musical Influences: :   R&R ,R&B, her father’s Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Death Metal.


Member at Large:

‘Mean’ Dean Emprey.  (Master of thrift).

Guitarist / Vocals.  

Musical Influences: :   R&R ,R&B, Classic Rock, Reggae, Ska / Reggae roots.