IV. Time and Space and all that stuff.


              Mike had closed his Eyes the previous sleep before; I say it that way, as he was beginning to lose track of the difference between 'Day time' and 'Nighttime'. Mike’s days blurred together, the distinction between day and night fading like a forgotten dream. The Pathfinder seemed to be artificially controlling this natural Routine. The Pathfinder, an enigmatic force, manipulated his circadian rhythm, leaving him disorientated. Was it a benevolent guide or a sinister puppeteer? Mike pondered; his eyelids heavy with uncertainty.  


                He awoke and seemed to be on his Back again. Mike’s senses were disorientated as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The darkness enveloped him, and the dull, opaque hue that surrounded him felt both eerie and confining. Opening his Eyes, Mike looked about. There was darkness around him, and he began the attempt to arise. His attempt to sit up was met with resistance, as if an invisible force held him down. Pinching his arm, he hoped to wake up from this nightmare, but the pain confirmed is grim reality was no bad dream.


Trapped like a Fly in Amber, Mike wondered how he had ended up here. Was it a Dream? Or something more sinister? The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him, and he resolved to explore his surroundings further. Perhaps there was a way out, a crack in the illusion that held him captive. But for now, all he could do was move cautiously, like a prisoner in a shadowy realm. 


                At once, the Voice of the Pathfinder called Oblika erupted into Mike's Head to break the silence. Still unseen, but within his Mind. Mike’s Heart raced. The name “Oblika” stirred something deep within him- a memory, perhaps, or a forgotten legend. He strained to recall, but the darkness clung to his thoughts like cobwebs.


   ["Good day Mr. Parris; I trust you slept well?"] Oblika inquired. 


   "So, I am still in this place then? When can I eat? I am Hungry, and I'd also like to wash up! " Mike requested. 


["My Apologies, we have been quite negligent in these matters thus far. I have arranged such provisions for you on the Planet surface below, and very shortly you will be placed there in a dwelling reserved just for you. There will be Food to your liking, an area to refresh yourself, as well as clean Clothing for you to wear. Remember, we can formulate what you maybe requiring by sensing your concerns and needs as they emerge in your thought process,'] Oblika assured. 


"Then you would know that I'd like to get up and move about, instead of just laying here being told what is, or what will, happen to me", Mike insisted to Oblika. 


["Of course,",] Oblika said. 


                      At an instant, Mike felt his Body shifting downwards and was then momentarily standing upright once more. The ground beneath his feet felt solid yet insubstantial, like a dream made tangible. Mike wondered if he was falling or rising, caught in some cosmic dance beyond his comprehension.


"How do you do this? Is this an Invisible Bed?" He asked. 


[Yes, it is thought-controlled Manipulations of the Atmosphere around you. We have the Technology to arrange it that you may stand with assistance—or resistance. We can set you up gently or cause you to fly into a solid object and smash you into bits. To be honest, it is better to go with the flow and allow us to help you when it is needed.  Simply by easing up on your Legs, pressures become denser on your Lower Back with the combined result of standing you upright. You will learn to co-operate. For now, you may move about freely on your own and are free from your sleeping Mode. We shall leave you moving independently."] Oblika usefully explained. 


"Thank you, that says a lot. If it is okay with you, I would much prefer to move on my own, independently. " Mike stated. 


                        The Opaque 'Walls' of the Chamber/Capsule Mike was being held in darkened to reveal the beautiful Planet of Jellsius 4 below again. The Sun commanding this Planet was high over the top of this World still, and the scene was virtually little altered since the first time Mike set his Eyes upon it. It was an absolute marvel to behold. 


["You were asleep a long time ...almost sixteen of your Earth Hours. This is not unusual after so long a journey through our Portals. It drains to Human Body of Strength and Energy. Come, walk over to the side, follow my Voice- raise your Hands up in front of you,"] Oblika said. 


                          Mike very cautiously walked several steps ahead, unsure if he would walk off out into     Space, or strike up against a Transparent Wall? Mike’s cautious steps led him to the transparent wall, which felt both soft and spongy, yet resistant. Fortunately, it was the latter. The sensation was akin to touching a foam mattress, but with an underlying firmness. As he pressed his fingertips against it, the material yielded slightly before revealing its unyielding core.

In this enigmatic chamber, Mike’s curiosity surged. What lay beyond this peculiar barrier? Was it merely a protective enclosure, or did it conceal secrets of the cosmos? He decided to enquire, his voice echoing softly within the chamber:

“Excuse me,” Mike addressed the unseen custodian of this otherworldly space, “what is this material? And what lies beyond?”            

               The response came as a gentle hum, resonating through the translucent membrane.

            [“This is the boundary between existence and wonder,” it seemed to say. “Beyond lies Jellsius 4 –    a realm of marvels, where Suns dance and Life thrives”]. Mike’s Heart raced. He had stumbled upon a cosmic window, a threshold to a world beyond imagination. He wondered if he could breach it, step into the unknown, and explore the mysteries of Jellsius 4. But for now, he awaited the custodian’s answer, eager to unravel the secrets held within these spongy, resilient walls.


            He inquired.


"So how is it possible I can see what is outside and yet this image is clear through this soft and spongy Wall? It makes no sense," puzzled. 


["Oh, but it does. We can Bend Space remember? And have access to Materials you don't have, or even know about on your own Planet...",] Oblika continued. 


["...Materials that grow themselves, reflect only certain colours you can see, and ones that are living and breathing substances, yet as strong as the toughest of all Metals. Take our Mode of Motion as an example too. Try an imagine this Motion as Pages in one of your Books. In fact, some time ago, your own Civilization made a Technological Leap by means of Digitizing Information onto such 'Pages' in a System called 'Windows'. Thus, it allows you to select 'Panes' of Information in choices of sequence, to send Messages back and forth other others of your kind. It only works well if there is an exact System at the other end to receive such information. The Contents of Messages are broken down into a series of Codes, then re-assemble at the other end to be received in the same order they were sent. Quite rudimentary, but effective for your time. It did open many new possibilities as a positive technical advancement for your Species...."] Oblika still continued... 


["...We Pathfinders do this with Space and Time manipulations. And have mastered the Technology to ‘Warp’ Time and enable Travel possibilities. And by sending objects, both organic and non-organic across the vast the distances that we choose. It works in a similar way, except we are not sending Digital Images and Messages through Wiring or Electronic Signalling, but we are sending Biological and Physical entities through Loops in the Space/Time continuum. And YOU ARE my sent ‘Message’, Mr. Parris! Does this answer many of your Questions? "] Oblika said, revealing in almost a smug tone. 

There was a silence until Mike broke it. 


"Time and Space?! WOW! I want to see you Oblika", Mike asked. 


["And you shall, down there. I'll meet you in person soon enough and look forward to it. You will be familiarized with your Dwelling, it's Amenities and Environment. Then I'll introduce you to your 'Band'. Or at least the Members of Musicians you will be working with. They have been waiting a while for you below.  And most importantly, don't worry about the Atmosphere down there on Jellsius 4. Each day period is Thirteen Hours of duration in Sunlight; and thirteen Hours duration of Darkness. The entire cycle is Twenty-six Hours long. The Gravity is a little less than that of on your Planet Earth...so don't go jumping about that much until you can get used to it. Daytime heat right now-you may find Hot-it is their Summertime, so expect Daytime Temperatures of an average around Plus Forty on your Celsius Range. Stay indoors as much as possible. Your Dwelling is equipped with Interior Cooling for your comfort.  During the Evenings, expect that Temperature to be about half the Daytime Average,"] Oblika explained much in detail. 


"It sounds as if you have thought of everything, Oblika", Mike was impressed. 


 [" I am sure there is something we have over-looked, we are not perfect, even for Mind-readers. For basics, all has been arranged for you, and again I look forward to our meeting finally. I trust this briefing has put some of your fears and concerns to rest for now?"] The Pathfinder was quite thorough.  


"Thank you...er, Mr...er, Ris Oblika?" Mike babbled out. 


["I am A Pathfinder. I am also a RIS, it is my Rank or Position, not my Name. You may just call me Oblika."]. He corrected. 


 "Thank you again", Mike replied. 


["Come, walk back a few steps and I'll start to prepare you for the very short Journey to the Planet below. --Welcome to Planet Jellsius 4!"]. Oblika stated proudly. 



                              CHAPTER IV: 'Time and Space and all that stuff'. 
