V. New Horizons.

                             Mike went back into roughly where he thought the centre of this Chamber, he was being held in was, and reflected upon all what he had been told thus far.  

                             He was very anxious to be out of this makeshift Prison, as it were. But not so keen to be outside of its protective shell in the freezing Vacuum of Space at all. He considered that he was still in a far better place than the alternative that looked as if it were only a mere few feet away. 

                              But Freedom is Freedom, Captivity, not so good. Mike was reassured that as far as events had unfolded for him to this point, he had been treated kindly and considerately. Mike pondered his situation. He had been overawed with the bizarre circumstances that he seemed embarked upon, and which had thrust him into an unfamiliar world. But as of yet--have seen no real reasons to feel great terror or felt under any immediate deadly threat. He had not encountered outright danger. The enigmatic figures-Oblika and the ‘Supreme’- had treated him kindly so far. Oblika has to this point sounded convincing, as also had the 'Supreme' that spoke with him. 

                             In any case, what were his options? Escape? Resistance? The answer seemed elusive. All they asked of him was to play music, his true passion. All they wished for from him after all, was to do what he himself loved most. Perhaps through his melodies, he could find a way to navigate this strange captivity and uncover the truth.   

                            Standing there, deep in thought, Mike became aware that he was beginning to recline once again and so settled back to await his next Adventure.  He could get quite used to all this floating about, Mike thought to himself.   

                            Mike’s contemplation was interrupted by a gentle tug, as if an invisible hand were pulling him upward. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting. He glanced around, realizing that he was no longer standing on solid ground. Instead, he found himself suspended in a weightless void, surrounded by shimmering particles of light. 

                    “Where am I?” Mike wondered aloud. His voice echoed, but there was no one to hear it. The colors around him shifted, blending into a mesmerizing dance of blues, purples, and silvers. It was as if he had stepped onto a cosmic canvas, painted by an otherworldly artist. 

                        As he floated, Mike recalled the events that had led him here. It had all started with a mysterious invitation—an old parchment slipped under his door, inviting him to embark on a journey beyond imagination. The letter had been signed simply, “The Traveler.” 

                       Mike had hesitated at first, but curiosity had won out. He had followed the cryptic instructions, winding through hidden passages and forgotten alleyways until he reached an ancient oak tree. There, he had whispered the secret phrase, and the ground had given way beneath his feet. 

                       Now, as he drifted through this ethereal realm, Mike wondered what awaited him. Was this the Adventure he had been seeking? Or was it merely a prelude to something greater? 

                        He closed his eyes, surrendering to the currents that carried him. Thoughts of home, of mundane worries, faded away. In their place, he felt a sense of wonder—a childlike awe that transcended time and space. 

                        And so, Mike embraced the unknown. He let go of fear, of doubt, and allowed himself to become part of the cosmic tapestry. Perhaps, he thought, this was where all stories began—the place where dreams took flight and reality blurred at the edges. 

                         As the colors swirled around him, Mike whispered a silent promise: “I’ll follow wherever you lead, Traveler. Show me the wonders of this universe, and I’ll be your willing companion.” 

                         And with that, he surrendered completely, ready for whatever Adventure awaited him next.  


                       Mike had put his Guitar down to his Right side some time earlier. The guitar did not hit the floor and seemed to be floating on a cushion of Pressure like he was. Mike's Guitar hovered beside him, defying gravity just as he did. Its strings vibrated faintly, producing a soft, otherworldly melody that resonated through the weightless void. The instrument seemed to share in his sense of wonder, its wooded body bathed in the same shimmering light that enveloped Mike.

                          He reached out, fingertips brushing against the guitar’s polished surface. It felt cool and smooth, yet alive with hidden energy. The pressure he sensed wasn’t physical—it was as if the very essence of music held the instrument aloft. 

                       “Strange,” Mike murmured. “But then again, everything here is.” 

                          He wondered if the guitar had a story of its own. Perhaps it had been played by countless travelers who had journeyed through this cosmic realm. Maybe its notes had echoed across distant galaxies, carrying messages of longing, joy, and heartache. 

                             Mike settled into a cross-legged position, cradling the guitar in his arms. He plucked a few strings experimentally, and the sound reverberated like ripples in a pond. It was a sound both familiar and foreign—a bridge between his old life and this new, surreal existence. As he played, memories surfaced: late nights by the campfire, jamming with friends, the thrill of performing on stage. But here, there was no audience—only the vast expanse of space, waiting to absorb his music. 

                            And so, Mike began to play. His fingers danced across the frets, weaving melodies that defied conventional scales. The guitar responded, its harmonics blending with the colors around him. Each note became a brushstroke, adding to the cosmic canvas. He played for hours—or perhaps it was minutes, or days. Time had lost its meaning. The guitar’s resonance filled him, merging with his very soul. It was as if he had become an instrument himself, channeling the universe’s song. 

                              And then, unexpectedly, a voice joined in—a whisper carried on the celestial winds. It harmonized with Mike’s playing, adding depth and mystery. He couldn’t make out the words, but their meaning resonated within him. Tears welled in his eyes. He played louder, pouring his emotions into the music. The guitar responded, its strings glowing brighter. It was a duet between mortal and cosmic, a communion of sound and spirit. 

                              As the final chords hung in the air, Mike felt a profound connection—to the guitar, to the Traveler who had brought him here, and to the very fabric of existence. He knew he was part of something greater, a symphony that spanned galaxies and eons. And so, with the guitar still floating at his side, Mike vowed to keep playing. For as long as he remained in this ethereal realm, he would be its troubadour—a wanderer of sound, exploring the mysteries of the cosmos one note at a time. 

                                  Laying perfectly still in a seated position, Mike closed his Eyes and was half expecting to be magically transported to the surface. He waited for what seemed like several minutes and found that nothing was happening at all. 

                                 ‘Hah!? Well, what the heck now?’ Mike soon discovered that the trip to the Planet below didn’t work like Interstellar Travel had- it was quite a Low-Tech affair.  

                               The Chamber, this being a physical Vessel of some kind, acted as a Re-entry Capsule and the trip to the surface of Jellsius 4 would be somewhat like that of the early days of space exploration when the Apollo missions captured the world’s imagination. 

                                 After the six-or seven-minute’s wait, Mike opened his eyes and noted that where there was a marvelous view of the Planet below before, this had now been replaced by the Opaque Capsule wall again. 

                               Mike had briefly enjoyed a breath-taking view of the Planet below. He glimpsed swirling clouds, vast Oceans, and rugged landscapes. The curvature of the world stretched out before him, a testament to the beauty and diversity of planetary surfaces. He marveled at the colours -the blues, greens, and the browns blending seamlessly. The sun’s rays danced across the atmosphere, casting intricate patterns on the land. And in this moment, Mike was both an observer and a participant in the cosmic drama. 

A slight shift in Motion was felt, and Mike summed up that he was on the move. He had hoped that he could watch the progress of his descent as he entered Orbit and hoped to study the Terrain beneath him. The spectacle of witnessing the Mountains, Oceans, Deserts, and distant green patches of Forests may have denied him, he thought. No such luck there...however, since he had not paid for this Free Ride, he should settle for what he can get.  

                             He noticed the Opaque Colorization of the front part of the Capsule turning at first, to a Purple, then a Pink Colour. Quickly, this changed to a Dull Reddish Shade. This Mike concluded had to be caused by the Capsule entering the Atmosphere of Jellsius 4? The slight sensation of buffeting he could feel seemed to be confirmation of this. There was a more turbulent buffeting sensation happening now, the likely cause of which was the Chambered capsule that Mike was traveling inside of – meeting resistance from the denser parts of the Atmosphere on Jellsius 4. It was as if the Capsule slowed up- the air resistance from the denser parts of the Atmosphere compressed to create this shaking and buffeting effect. He was entering the upper atmosphere. This heat caused the capsule’s outer layers to glow and change colours. The initial purple to pink hues he was beginning to observe, would be due to this extreme heat. 

                          The Red Tint and shaking continued for about One Minute, Mike estimated, and that this was the end of Re-entry into the initial Mesosphere.  The Red Colour grew back to a Purple and Mike thought this Capsule was still going through the Ionosphere where electrons and Ions and gravity came into play. Then the front changed to the Shell-like Opaque of the Capsule Walls. Further protection against the Friction of this Heat? This Translucent shade would suddenly fade to reveal a spectacular Vista of a Paradise World below. The opacity suddenly transitioned to a transparency, revealing a breathtaking view of an alien paradise. Thin Wisps of light Cloud passed by, to be followed by Clusters of denser Clouds whipped past as the Capsule penetrated out of a Stratosphere and began weaving and threading through the denser Air of a Troposphere, the layer at which Earth's Aircraft would operate at their highest Altitudes. As the Capsule penetrated large Banks of thick, white Formations of Clouds, Mike noticed interspersed between them vast patches of Blue Ocean as the Vessel continued downwards at a terrific Velocity.  Below, the vast tapestry of the planet spun slowly- oceans and Landmasses coming clearly into view. The vessel was swinging around the outside surface of this Massive Planet in a great and gradual arc of descent. The capsule shuddered as it encountered pockets of turbulence, a stark contrast to the silent void of space it had left behind.  

                           Very shortly, the Blueness of the great body of Water, was broken by the Brown shades of a Landmass and then White caps of steep Mountain Ranges within that Land. Within this land Mass were ting blue dots and ribbons of blue weaving from Coastline to Blue spots, Lakes. Then the Vessel swung over the Blue Ocean once more, the shades of the Reflections of Sunlight upon the Waters reflecting and shining in Dazzling Whites and Yellows. The surface was getting nearer and the Vessel in which Mike was traveling seemed to be slowing down. It seemed the time to make landfall was fast approaching. This was a Hell of a wild Ride! 

                           De-accelerating more and more, Mike was on the lookout for some evidence of any structures on the surface, any traces there maybe a Civilization below him? As altitude decreased, Mike thought he could make out the first signs of artificial Life below? Occasionally, he would see a momentary pinprick of light coming from some spot in the landscape below. The capsule, now a falling star to anything on the ground looking upwards, appeared as a beacon of technological achievement, a sliver of an object encapsulating the spirit of exploration.  

                            So far, he could see nothing definitive to tell him there was any sort of major Development, or Cities on the Surface.  What is he to expect? There HAD to be some forms of Life here, considering the ideal conditions for Natural Development and for Living Creatures to thrive.  

                          Sweeping over a Mountain Range, the Capsule seemed to settle its Trajectory over the last Peak and swoop down to fly over a great Forest and graze past some low Hills that seemed to go on for ever-- then Grasslands...lower and lower... until a slower speed brought Mike in his Capsule to a Valley with a Lake at the bottom.  The ground grew closer- a welcoming sight where HE was the alien species here.  

The capsule continued its descent.  

                       Off the Lake and back over forested areas broken by stretches of Grassy Hills and flat areas of what looked like Wheat Fields? The Capsule grew slower and dropped lower in the Sky all the time and began a gradual and spiraling circuit over a large Complex of Fields. Something, or someone had tended these Fields? Then Mike noticed out of the corner of his Eye, a mass of small House-like Structures. Life!! Intelligent Life!! For the first Time, Mike felt like he had some Kindred Spirits waiting for him below. Even if they had Three Heads he quickly thought. They took the time and could build Homes, which means Families, Care, and hopefully Compassion? So, perhaps it could not be THAT bad. 

                          The rate of Speed now was hardly fast at all..and Mike thought he could almost do a Count-down of the Altitude he was circling at.  A Thousand feet? Nine Hundred... Eight Hundred...some shaking. Seven....Six Hundred...Five Hundred...more shaking. Three hundred... Two Hundred. One Hundred...eighty...Sixty....fifty.... forty.... thirty-five.... twenty-five...Twenty... more shaking    .... Fifteen....Ten........Six Feet. Some Shudders again. Three.... Two......then 'Skiff'.......and a slight Wobbling as the Capsule settled and pressed into the surface Vegetation.  ------He was down!! Mike braced himself for a new World of Discoveries for Humanity. From what he could tell, this landing had been a very smooth one indeed.  


                            So, now Mike's Capsule seemed to be at rest in what seems to be a Sea of Grain-like Grass. It blew in the Wind in waves that swept back and forth up a slight Slope, like silent Salutes, bowing to the Glory of Life eternal. 

                           Mike noticed right away that standing at the corner of this Field were a series of low, white-coloured Domed Structures that seemed connected by covered Passageways. He recalled thinking that these Buildings were not unlike that seen on the Island of Santorini in Greece, or close to them at least. The domed structures, pristine and otherworldly, stood in stark contrast to the rugged field. His eyes tracing the smooth curves of the strange architecture. The buildings, all comfortably nestled under the vast expanse of an alien sky. 

                          Looking through the Capsule's walls, Mike viewed a Picture of Tranquility and welcoming Bliss. The Capsule Pod Wall that Mike was looking out from, now began to literally Peel open in Shapes like Slices of a Pizza Pie. A Central Wedge above Mike's Head height, swung to the Right. The Segment to its left correspondingly swung to the Left. This went on with several more segments until Five wedge-shaped pieces of Aperture had opened to form an Archway. A warm breeze blew into Mike's Face and soon filled the inside of the Capsule. The Air was a most pleasant surprise, very breathable, and this just fortified his Belief in Life teeming and flourishing in Multitudes upon Jellsius 4. 

                             He was free to leave, to wander and apparently explore at his Will.   

                            Reaching down to his Right side, he was happy to feel and hold onto his ‘Golden’ Guitar. His back-up Guitar, he had left he had left in his Apartment-(that being a 1994 Gibson Les Paul Standard Guitar, ebony with white Pick Guard, one Silver Pickup and one Seymour Duncan at the Bridge, with Black metal knurled knobs).  

                          Mike looked down at the Guitar and saw that it no longer had the Golden glow it held for so long before his journey began. Mike chuckled, as like nothing surprised him at this point. His position had re-aligned to that of standing position, and upright. Mike was now standing upright and was therefore able to walk towards the Opening in the Capsule--this was it! A New World!  

                           Mike took a deep breath and stepped forth, out into a Fantastic and fresh Unknown.  Mike stepped forward and out through the Archway and into a New Life. His boots crunching softly on the fine Grass at his feet. It was great to be alive! 


                             Stepping from the security of the Capsule. he was surprised to see how soft the ground was as his Boots touched the ground. When he stepped forward to walk upon this Land, he seemed to skip a little—he felt a sensation unlike any he had experienced before. He quickly found he had moved a few extra feet in distance!? He was instantly reminded of Oblika's warning that the Planet's Gravity was less than his own World’s and would work quite differently for him on Jellsius 4. The soil softly yielded under his weight, as if embracing him with a gentle resilience. It was as though the very land conspired to make his steps lighter, inviting him to explore this alien world. 

                          With each stride, Mike noticed something peculiar. His legs seemed to carry him farther than expected, as if the very fabric of space stretched to accommodate his movement. He chuckled, feeling like a character from a whimsical tale, skipping across a landscape where the rules of physics had taken a holiday. There seemed too little way in which to mitigate flying off one's feet other than to walk very lightly and very carefully at first--until he mastered this effect using measured caution and proper Balance. This will be yet another very interesting spin on what has been an amazing string of Events so far. 

                         With nothing else around but to explore this odd World about him, Mike decided to make his way gingerly across this Field and make tracks towards the Domed Structures that stood on the edge of this Grassland.  

                         Cautiously, he set off. Wobbling and swaying, he moved his Feet in small sweeping steps, ensuring not to raise his step too high.  He imagined himself as a space dancer, pirouetting through a gravitational waltz. Mike carefully made his way across the Grains all around him. This Flora stood about Three feet high and possessed Multiple Ears of Grains at the tops. Mike thought that unlike Wheat or Barley Types on Earth with only one Husk on top, these Grains contained Five or Six times the Crop Yield!  If grown on Earth, this Plant Species alone could do much to solve the Global Food shortages there. 

                           The horizon beckoned—an undulating expanse of rolling hills and iridescent flora. The plants here were unlike any he’d seen, their leaves shimmering with hues that defied earthly palettes. They swayed in a rhythm that matched his skipping steps, as if welcoming him to their botanical ball. 

                          It soon occurred to Mike that he was wasting time in dithering about in half steps and Pigeon-walks... and that if he wished to get his Butt over to these Buildings, there was a far quicker way in which to do so! 

                            So, taking a chance, Mike increased his step's reach and chose to make a big and deliberate Jump towards the nearest of the buildings. He was taking a chance and testing his limits with this new-found altered gravity.  Whether it was willful ignorance of what Oblika had said, or a sense of ill-thought 'Gung Ho' Bravado? -He leaped, and to his delight, soared higher and longer than expected. Mike flew Twenty or Thirty feet as if he were Peter Pan himself! The air was crisp, carrying whispers of secrets from distant constellations. He wondered if the stars above knew of this place, this pocket of whimsy where gravity played hide-and –seek.                  Somehow, he pitched forwards slightly, and this was enough to cause him to spill onto his Face and outstretched Arms. Landing hard, he brushed himself off to try again. He decided that he would Jump again, but with not as much push-off. This had the desired effect. He flew about Fifteen Feet this time and was very happy with this outcome.  

                                   As he landed, Mike noticed a group of small native creatures observing him about twenty feet away to his right —a blend of feathered serpents and luminescent insects, little bigger than an Earth's chameleon.  They tilted their heads, curious about the newcomer who defied their world’s pull. Mike grinned, feeling like an ambassador from Earth, sent to negotiate a cosmic treaty of playfulness. And so, he continued his skipping journey, leaving behind footprints that stretched a little too far, defying the laws of his old home. 

                                   Perhaps, in this land of soft ground and elongated strides, he would discover not just the secrets of gravity but also the magic of possibility. And as he skipped onward, he whispered a silent thank you to Oblika—for the warning that had turned his boots into wings and his steps into stardust 

                                   The domed structures stood in the distance, their white curves mirroring the contours of the land. Mike wondered what other surprises awaited him—the mysteries woven into the very fabric of Jellsius 4. He continued this motion towards the closest Structure in front of him.     Keeping this pace--he very quickly reached the nearest Domed Building and began a slow walk to its very high Doorway.  

                            Oddly enough, Mike saw that it had a familiar style Door Handle, which was very bizarre indeed. He decided to take another risk in this strange land, and depressed the Handle down, then pushed on the Door. To his trepidation, the Door swung open. With little left to do but go inside- he did just that.  

                              The interior was not at all Alien and unusual. Table and Chair sets, old looking ones. And a pair of Rocking Chairs. It struck Mike that did this mean he would be kept here so long that he would need these into Old Age? No, this is not what Oblika had said...but, he did say, "We'll return to you in time"....in whose Time? In Time for what, his Funeral? Or to die of Old Age? These Beings can Manipulate Time and Space--any option was a Possibility. They could choose to return me as a Child if they wished--and have no Memory of this place! Mike decided to put these worrisome thoughts aside and sat in one of the old rocking chairs, its creaks a soothing counterpoint to the whirlwind of thoughts in his mind. The table and chairs, though dated, held a certain charm- a reminder of a simpler time when people gathered around for meals, conversations and perhaps a game of cards. The wood bore the patina of countless hands, each leaving their mark like a whispered story. Mike thought aloud, 'Why is this stuff all here?!’ Mike leaned back, staring at the ceiling. The light fixtures resembled constellations, their bulbs casting a warm glow, but no switch to turn any power on was to be seen. He wondered if they were real stars, miniaturized and suspended in glass. If he reached out, could he pluck one like a ripe fruit? Or would they flash out at his approach? 

                            He got out of the Rocking chair and continued to focus on looking about the building. It was just Furniture, but it looked so old. He wondered about the beings who had brought it all here? Their cryptic promise-” We’ll return to you in time”. What did it mean? Was he a pawn in their cosmic game, a piece to be moved across the board of existence? Or were they benevolent custodians, watching over him as he navigated this enigmatic realm?  

                               The Rocking Chair swayed gently after Mike had gotten out of it. He chuckled at the absurdity of it all.  

                              There in a corner was an ancient-looking Stove that seemed as if it were an Antique? He went over to it and read a Maker's name on a Plate, ‘Westinghouse'. It seemed to run on electricity and had a long Cable coming out the back of it running to a circular, Pod-like Power Module. A Dynamo perhaps? This place seemed to have all the basics of a mid-1930s, or '40s Home in the U.S.A--no Mod Cons here! The place was a virtual Museum. There were even Racks of Pots and Pans hanging on Hooks in a Scullery, and a nineteen sixties-looking 'Frigidaire' Refrigerator near the Stove! Many of the Amenities here were more like a Tribute to the Great Depression--how can this be given all the Technological advancements these Creatures had attained? He then thought that the 'Locals' may have reached this level of Technology--but how do they end up with these same Industrial Brand names? These objects were brought here—as was he himself. Mike was deeply puzzled.  

                              Moving through the Kitchen, and a quick look inside the Fridge, he was delighted to see it well stocked with what appeared to be freshly consumable foods of the likes he had never set eyes upon before. And some of these Items and provisions were familiar foods to him. There were Apples and Oranges that he could see, among other strange foods unknown to him. He thought these people have the Feeding of the Pets all under control at least.  

                            Satisfied that he would not starve in this place, Mike continued his Tour of the House-- if it even WAS to be his House that is?  There seemed nobody, or no other Creature in residence. Mike was relieved about this at last and put down his prized Guitar against what seemed like an Adobe material that made up the Wall in the 'Kitchen'. The entire structure seemed to be made of this stone material.  

                          Mike continued to look around, calling out in each area he would explore next, so as not to alarm anyone, or anything, that may be in there?  

                         Walking along a connecting Tunnel between two of the Domed Structures, Mike noticed that it was lit by Six small Square Openings, three on each side, along its length. The tunnel’s dim light cast long shadows, giving the connecting passage a sense of mystery. 

                        Mike stepped into the Sitting Area, the dust motes dancing in the shafts of light that pierced the room. There was an old, and appeared to be, dusty Sofa in the Centre of the Room. The furniture arrangement was peculiar, indeed. The Sofa had Two plush, cushioned Chairs either side of it. Relics of a bygone era. They were oddly positioned and were facing into a corner of the Room.  Which was creepy as the Furniture was facing towards a Stand with an empty box on top of it?! A silent sentinel in the room. It was like a mock-up of an Old-fashioned Television Set. But was no Television at all? A mock television set, a box of emptiness, seemed to mock the very concept of entertainment. More Puzzles to figure out.  It was as if the creators of this space understood the human need for communal gathering but missed the mark on its execution. 

                       A low Table sat on the Floor in front of the Sofa. A Coffee Table perhaps, for no Coffee. Devoid of cups, or anything upon the Table. And a Central Lamp hung from the Ceiling in Mid-room to evening distribute Light. 'How Cozy' Mike thought-it was a symbol of hospitality but offered nothing. All the Family gathered, all sitting around to watch the 'Box'! What the Hell? Another piece of this puzzle. It occurred to Mike that he was inside nothing more than a Life-sized Dollhouse, or one of those 'Fake Homes' built during the I950s in the Arizona Desert, to measure Atomic Bomb Test Blasts!  

                            He left this Room shaking his Head, dispelling those eerie thoughts. “Focus on the now,” he whispered to himself. He decided to explore further, to look beyond the surface.  Perhaps the answers lay not in the furniture but in the spaces between—hidden compartments, secret messages, or clues to the intentions of his hosts.  

                            Only a few more Rooms in which to explore—Mike drew a deep breath, and continued his investigation, touching each piece of furniture, examining the walls, floor, and even the empty box. He was determined to uncover the secrets of this room, to understand its purpose, and to find his place within this crazy riddle. The Pattern seemed to be a Pod-like grouping of basic Residential Rooms linked by several Covered Passageways. All very cool during the Daytime and storing warmth for the Cooler Nights that were to follow. There seemed to be Water, as Mike had seen Taps, and Lights seemed to be operational. The Refrigerator was working and was Cold. He saw little reason to think that the Stove was not hooked-up too.  

                            Entering another Six-Windowed Tunnel, he emerged into the first of several Rooms with small Beds in them. There were basic small bedside Tables with Reading Lamps on top. There was a total of Four Beds. Off the Bedrooms were several smaller rooms, which turned out to be Washrooms.  Four 'En-suite' small Washrooms with Tubs, Basins, Toilets and Showers. Thick Towels hung on Racks attached to the Walls, and Soft-looking Shower Mats decorated the Floors. It looked VERY much like everything was here that could be needed. Mike tested the Plumbing in one of the Washrooms, all worked perfectly.  

                             Still unsure where he was entirely, or why, he drifted off into deep thoughts.  

                                As he moved through the rooms, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched, that every step was being observed and noted. But by whom? And to what end? These questions propelled him forward, a lone detective in a house of mysteries, searching for the truth in a world where reality seemed as malleable as the soft ground of Jellsius 4. 

                             A sudden noise alerted him to the presence of something, or someone in the next Room from the last Tunnel he went through. He moved back into that Tunnel, calling out just in case. Mike’s call echoed off the walls, a tentative greeting to the unknown. The tunnel suddenly transformed from a silent corridor into a stage for the unexpected. He thought he caught a fleeting glimpse of a Tiny, two-legged creature, reminiscent of a running Parrot, yet not quite one, added a layer of surrealism to the already peculiar environment.  

It scuttled out of view very quickly, and with the creature’s departure, uttered an odd trail of clicking sounds as it ran away. Like a language foreign to Mike’s ears. It was as if the very air carried whispers of a conversation he could not comprehend. It was gone in a Flash. Standing in the Tunnel-Mike was aware of a Black object, or Shadow moving across one of the Square Openings in the Tunnel. It was very large and seemed to answer the little 'Bird' with a similar Clicking sound. The larger shadow that responded with a much, much deeper, loudly resonant clicking suggested a world alive with unseen inhabitants, each with their own stories and secrets. This 'Shadow' then flashed past the Opening-- which was too deep for Mike to look out and the shadow of this creature moved too quickly, too elusively, to observe the Object passing by, leaving Mike with more questions than answers. Mike stood still, his heart racing with the thrill of the unknown. The square openings, like eyes of the tunnel, offered him brief visions of the life beyond. 

                             This 'Object' was moving in the general direction of the front of the Adobe Complex. Maybe its Occupant had come Home? Oh! Dear!!  

                           He realized that Jellsius 4 was not just a planet of low gravity and soft ground. It was a living, breathing ecosystem, teeming with creatures that defied his understanding of biology and behavior. The clicking sounds, perhaps a form of communication, hinted at a complex society that operated just beyond his perception. 

                                With a mix of caution and curiosity, Mike decided to follow the sounds. He moved quietly, aware that he was an intruder in this alien world. The shadows seemed to dance just out of reach, inviting him to delve deeper into the mysteries of Jellsius 4. 

                                As he ventured further, the light from the openings grew dimmer, and the air filled with the scent of an unknown flora. The clicking grew louder, more insistent, as if the creatures were leading him somewhere. Mike pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets of this strange new world, where every corner held the promise of discovery, and every shadow whispered tales of the cosmos. 🌠👣 


                                  END OF CHAPTER V: 'NEW HORIZONS',  

                         BEGINNING OF CHAPTER VI: 'AN ART FOR THE SOUL '. 
