IX. The First & Last Story.

    YOU can never count on everything always going to Plan.  And now waking up turned out to be the easy part. One just has to keep an Open Mind. 

            Mike lay in a state between Deep Unconsciousness and an awakening Sub-Reality. That Night he had a Dream. Mike had already walked across the Field in the Darkness. He thought he heard someone Vomiting loudly close-by, but could not recall why? Or who?  

             Inside the Music Instrument Building, he'd call it a 'Studio' from this point on, he thought he could remember counting as many as Thirty-Four different Lead Guitars! And perhaps a Gibson 8-String Electric Mandolin; in yet, not so much as a single Bass Guitar were there!?  And so WHY was this again?  Oh! yes, that's right, however, could he forget. An Eight-foot tall, Time-Traveling, Rock and Roll-loving, Black, Robotic Insect...could not tell the difference between a Lead and a Bass Guitar when he was Stealing them, that was why. Just that?! Ridiculous as this seems! 

             In his hazy state between consciousness and slumber, what else was Mike Drinking last night, other than the Fermented and Alcoholic Milk...of a Race of Monkey-Parrot Slaves! The very idea of such a concoction tickles the imagination! Were these Monkey-Parrot Slaves skilled Mixologists, or did they simply stumble upon this peculiar brew? 

             As mike contemplated waking himself up to record his experiences, the allure of sleep held him in its comforting embrace. He decided to wake himself up and write all this down. Oh! but this Sleep felt so good. He'd force himself to remain there a while longer, this was Cool. Sometimes, dreams are more enticing than reality- like a cozy blanket woven from stardust and forgotten memories. Now if only he could remember the last place, he had put his own Guitar?  Drifting....drifting...but yes, that elusive Guitar! Where had he last placed it? Perhaps its hidden in the folds of his subconscious, waiting to be plucked like a melancholic melody. Or maybe it's now nestled among the Monkey-Parrot Slaves’ secret stash of musical instruments. After all, an eight-foot-tall, time-traveling, rock-loving robotic insect might have a penchant for collecting guitars, regardless of their genre. 

               And so, Mike drifts, caught between the waking world and the surreal landscape of his mind. Perhaps the answers lie in the interplay of notes and dreams, where reality and imagination dance a waltz under the moonlight. 



                Iseemed to be a Feast-day; for FENGU Males and Females were ambling along in their finery, clicking, and humming happily to each other. So, they DO wear Clothes! Sometimes it seems, on special occasions. Mike thought, was his presence there among them, a danger to them? They did not seem to pay the slightest attention to him. Maybe because he was not carrying his Guitar? Perhaps their culture places more emphasis on Musical instruments than wearing or owning clothing. 

                 In his mind's Eye, he saw a large auditorium from the outside. Mike’s heart raced as stepped into this cavernous auditorium. The air buzzed with anticipation; he could hear a loud sound of Clicking coming from within it. The clicking sound enveloped him like a tempest of tiny explosions. It was as if a million Kernels of Corn popping simultaneously, creating a cacophony that reverberated through his entire body. The sound of this Racket hit Mike's Ears like a Wall. 

                He walked inside a Back Door and looked about, Patrick and Neil burst through the back door behind him, their eyes wide with fear. They were being hotly chased by a swarm of about Fifty frenzied FENGUs all jumping and clicking, pursuing relentlessly. These enigmatic creatures, with their iridescent wings and intricate patterns, were unlike anything Mike had ever encountered. Their clicking, rhythmic and urgent, echoed off the walls. Without hesitation, all three slammed the heavy Door shut behind them. Mike’s fingers found the lever on the inside- a lifeline to safety. He pulled it down with a force born of desperation, sealing them off from the pursuing FENGUs…. Safe! 

                  In that moment, Mike realized he was part of something extraordinary. The FENGUs, driven by some primal purpose, had led him here. But what was their intent? Why had they spared him? And what awaited them behind the door? 

                 As the adrenaline subsided, Mike took a deep breath. He was safe-for now. But the questions remained, swirling in his mind like the echoes of the clicking chorus. Perhaps the answers lay hidden within the heart of the auditorium, waiting to be discovered. 

                 And so, Mike steeled himself. He would unravel the secrets of the FENGUs, even if it meant risking everything. For sometimes safety was an illusion, and adventure beckoned from the other side of that lever. 

                 "Mark is already in here on Stage, warmed up on his Drums. He has a 12-piece Premier Set tonight!" Shouted Neil. 

                   "And Oblika, our 'Manager'--where is he?" said Mike. 

                 "He is in the Crowd, whipping them up into a frenzy!" Yelled an excited Neil. 
                 "He is beating them!?! No wonder they're screaming”, said a confused Mike. 

                 "No", said Patrick." He is encouraging them to Scream for US! AND he finally came through and brought me back some Bass Guitars-I have Twenty-two of them, what a crazy NUT!" Shouted Patrick in great Joy. 

                "When do we go on?", said Mike. 

                "There are FENGU Dancers on Stage at the moment, they will be done in about Three Hours, THEN WE go on!" said Neil sounding frustrated. 
                     "It's not like on Earth Mike, they do a Concert all day long. Dancers always come out first...come on man it's our twelfth Show!! You should be used to all this Bullshit by now", yelled a disapproving Neil.  

                 "But this Noise, how can we even hear ourselves Play?", shouted a concerned Mike.  

                  "By the third Song, we CAN'T!", shouted a grinning Patrick. 
                  Mike and the other two Member’s curiosity led them to the back Door to move up a Catwalk Stairway which led to the back of the Main Stage. There was a screen of Curtains which separated the three Band Mates from the Act currently on that Main Stage. They peered through a gap in the curtains. Mike pulled back a Curtain edge just far enough to look out from. Before them, a mesmerizing scene unfolded on the open Stage. These were no ordinary dancers, they saw a group of Dancers moving gracefully, their movements synchronized to an unworldly rhythm. There were Male and Female FENGUs, a species distinct from that of humans. The FENGUs on stage were unlike anything that Mike had seen before. Their hair lengths and builds differentiated the male and female members, making their species straightforward to identify. Unlike the complexities of human variation, FENGUs adhered to a clear pattern. As the Dancers moved in circles, the large circular pods at the sides of the stage emitted what passed for music- a haunting melody that resonated through the speakers. Mike wondered about the origins of these bizarre beings and the purpose of their performance. Little did he know that this encounter would lead him down a path of discovery beyond imagination. 

              The Music that the Dancers were performing to sounded like some kind of Rhythmic thumping Noise set to Trumpets. It was more like a Cacophony to Human Ears, lacking any Form, or Structure of Order at all. Mike’s mind swirled with the chaotic symphony that enveloped the dance floor. A Terrific Din. And Hours of this Craziness were to follow too! 

              The dancers moved with abandon, their bodies pulsating to the erratic beat. Trumpets blared, their notes colliding like drunken soldiers on a battlefield.  The rhythm was relentless, a maddening cacophony that defied any semblance of order. Mike imagined ancient armies clashing, their war cries echoing through time. The Greeks and the Persians, locked in a fierce struggle, their trumpets and drums urging them forward. “This,” Mike thought. “Is the sound of chaos, of unbridled passion.” Hours passed, and still, the music raged on- a tempest of sound that consumed everything in its path.  

                   Ten Pairs of Dancing FENGUs were counted. These Dancing FENGUs seemed to be different from all the others Mike had seen, which generally had short Limbs. These Dancing ones had elongated Limbs and the Female ones possessed longer and well-formed 'Wings' that they used as Colourful Fans in their Dances. They also had Longer Hair than usual for the Females. Mike watched in Amused Awe as some of the Male FENGUs, the shorter and stumpy ones, moved into certain Positions against the Females and then the two would stop. They froze momentarily in lascivious Positions and Poses. Like some type of a Mating Ritual? VERY silly stuff indeed. It was pure comical to behold. But the audience of FENGUs went Wild for it!? 

              Mike looked away, and thought it Crazy that this would go on for Hours? His experience with the dancing FENGUs and the strange apparition that is Oblika is a surreal blend of both wonder and total bewilderment. What Madness was this! 

              He took another Peep through the Curtain and noticed a very tall shape in the Centre of the great Mass of the Crowd. A Crowd of Thousands upon Thousands of these Clicking Creatures. It was Oblika, his Arms were outstretched in a Cruciform presence! It looked as if his Legs were together, but overall, he gave the appearance of a living Crucifix. Straining his Eyes to focus upon Oblika, Mike noticed that his Head was craning upwards as if looking at the Sky. He seemed to be Vibrating, like he was preparing to Explode?! Perhaps Oblika is more than he appears, a figure caught between worlds, embodying both the earthly and ethereal. Is he a messenger, a guardian, or an unwitting participant in this cosmic dance. He was deep in a strange trance. Mike looked away again, and he wondered what in the World he was doing in this Madhouse. 

               The thousands of these Clicking Creatures now possessed a collective energy. This pulsed through the air, creating an otherworldly rhythm. What purpose did all this serve? Were they drawn to Oblika, or is he, their conductor? The clicking- like a symphony of insect wings or ancient machinery- echoes through this crowd, binding them together in a shared experience. 

               Oblika’s head was craned upward, fixated on the sky. What celestial secrets does he seek? Is there a hidden constellation guiding his movements? Perhaps he’s attuned to the forces of the Universe, channeling energy from distant stars. Or maybe he’s yearning for escape, seeking solace beyond the Jellsian realm. 

               His vibrations intensify, hinting at an imminent climax. Is he about to burst forth with newfound power? Will he transcend his physical form and ascend into the heavens? Or is this Vibrational energy a warning- a sign of impending catastrophe? The crowd holds its breath, caught between awe and trepidation. 

               As Mike observes this spectacle, he questions his own presence in the Madhouse. Is he a mere spectator, or does he play a role in this Insane drama? Perhaps Mike too, is part of the dance- a witness to the extraordinary, forever changed by what unfolds before him. In this strange and mesmerizing moment, Mike grapples with the boundaries of reality and imagination. The Madhouse becomes a theatre of wonder, where ordinary rules no longer apply. And as Oblika trembles on the precipice, Mike’s own journey takes an unexpected turn. 


                    Going further Backstage, Mike saw Mark. He was wearing the same flowing Robes that they had all been offered, and yet only Mark insists upon playing these concerts wearing his Robe. He says it keeps him cool when up on Stage, but he has cut off the sleeves as they interfere with his Playing. The other three prefer their street clothes they wore when snatched. The FENGUs told Oblika it made them seem like Rebels and positively reflected their Rock and Roll Music. Mark was wearing Ear Plugs made from bits of cloth, as the clicking noises was building into a high pitch and disturbing any concentration needed by the Band prior to going on Stage. He also found filtering excessive background noises and clamor assisted him to hear and feel the concussive strikes of his own drum-playing. It helped him to stay on Beat and lead the Rhythm of each Song. Mark beckoned Mike to follow him, and the two moved to the rear of the auditorium to a small Room. Upon entering this Room, he found Neil and Patrick sitting down. The Room was a ‘calm Island’ in the stormy sea of sound that surrounded them. 

                   "It's MUCH quieter in here Mike," said Mark. 

                   "Did you do a Sound Check earlier? asked Mike. 

                   " No, it was impossible, listen to that Row! Those little guys out there, our audience, have been here since this morning-and they couldn't tell if our instruments were out, or not, could they? “Said Neil resignedly. 

                   "I'd take this opportunity for a short nap if it were quieter, ha ha ha ", pointed out Patrick. 

                  "And they will be doing this for Hours to come still? questioned Mike in irritation. 

                 "We will go on at eight periods, and it is only five and three quarters. You can sleep if you want Patrick, I doubt if they could even hear your Bass anyways? These are less-than-ideal conditions we face, guys! But I think we need to spend this time in going over the Set List we planned yesterday", Neil stated with conviction. 

                Mike was aware that he ought to know about the Band's discussion and practicing of the Songs they played over the past few days, but he could not recollect any such practice. Odd?! But he was also aware that he was still drifting through a dream, so it really didn't matter in the end, did it? What happens will happen. The scene continues to unfold with a dreamlike quality, as Mike’s awareness of the band’s situation blurs with the realization that it may all be part of a dream. Neil’s initiative to bring the band together and focus on the setlist suggests a moment of cohesion amidst the chaos.   

                  " Okay guys-- so we decided upon doing our versions of the following, gather around and look at this". Neil presented the other three members each with a piece of card with fourteen songs written on it and placed it on a table between them. "I made us up four copies,” said Neil. 

    1)   'Get Back!',Oblika's Favourite).   (The Beatles) 

    2)   'Takin' Care of Business'            (B.T.O) 

    3)   'The Payback'                     (James Brown)   

    4)   'For those about to Rock'       (AC/DC) 

    5)   'The Boys are back in Town'    (Thin Lizzy) 

    6)   'Travellin' Band'                      (C.C.R) 

    7)   'Rock and Roll'                   (Led Zeppelin) 

    8)   'I Can See for Miles'           (The WHO) 

    9)   'Satisfaction'                   (The Rolling Stones) 

    10)  'Back with the Jellsius 4' (USSR)  (The Beatles) 

    11)  'Long And Winding Road'         (The Beatles) 

    12)  'We Won't Get Fooled Again'  (The WHO) 

    13)  'Thunderstruck'                   (Last two AC/DC). 

    14)  'It's A Long Way to The Top (if you want to Rock and Roll). 

           The band’s repertoire, mixing soulful funk with hard-hitting rock anthems, indicated a versatile group capable of delivering high-octane performances that pay homage to the greats of rock history.  

       .... Neil continued. "The last two Songs we need to work on, but with all the Noise outside, quieter Songs are lost on that Crowd. We'll concentrate on doing Twelve, as they have been at it all day and this Crowd looks ready to collapse". Neil’s decision to focus on the twelve songs they’re confident with is pragmatic, considering the relentless noise from the crowd.  

             "We'll just play at our own Pace- not try to Carbon Copy the Studio Album, right?"  Said Mark concerned at the Top-Heavy Fast Rocker Song list.       

        Mike had earlier observed a small Crew of FENGU Assistants making preparations in setting up Microphones and marking off Taped flooring performance areas for each of them to Play inside--as well as arranging a row of Guitars on Stands positioned for the specific group members to pick up and play, or exchange with. This was when he was peering at the Dancer’s acts, the Crew was beginning to bring in the gear and set it up. By Six Periods, all was ready for the Band. The Dancers were still whirling and spinning on the Stage. Their audience, still fanatically clicking away. Won't this shit ever end thought Mike? The tension between the band’s needs for order and the incessant disorder around them is their central priority.  

           All went dark, but Mike knew he was still drifting in and out of his Dream. As his Mind began racing again, the Lights came on. The moment was electric. There was the Fanatical Clicking going on but seemed at a higher level now. There was an 'Anthem' being played though the Speakers. The pulsing Lights cut through the darkness, illuminating the stage like a beacon. Mike’s heart raced, caught between the dream and reality. Moving up the Staircase to the back of the Main Stage, Mike looked ahead and saw Neil and Patrick in front of him, their silhouettes etched against the backdrop of anticipation. Neil’s steady gaze seemed to say, “We’ve got this.” He turned around and saw Mark behind him, grinning and urging him forward, to keep moving. They had reached Back Stage and began splitting off and heading to their Stage Positions. Mark was grinning like a mischievous sprite, his robe billowed as he practically danced up to his Drums. He was the wild card- the one who defied conventions, sleeves cut off, ready to channel lightning through his Drumsticks. Mark on his Drum set now, adjusted his Drumsticks, ready to unleash thunder. Here were the anchors- the heartbeat of the band. The fanatical clicking- the relentless applause of thousands of tiny flapping wings in the crowd- reached a fever pitch. It was as if the entire universe held its breath, waiting for what was about to unfold.  The Band was finally ...going on! 

            There on the Stage right Wing was Oblika clapping madly. The four had passed him by. A bag of Drumsticks hung on a Hook underneath Mark’s Drum Stool, and Mike noticed him reaching down and pulling more Sticks out, inspecting them.  Mike heard Oblika say something above the raucous Din out front behind the Curtain Barrier. 

           "Go on Boys! Give 'em Hell, remember to Play my Favourite Song, 'Get Back'!", said Oblika, who had raised himself to his full fearsome height and held his Arms outstretched. Whatever trace he had gotten caught up in down amongst the audience members- he had shaken it off and seemed back to his self. Maybe he was acting all along? He pulled the most hideous Face imaginable, and appeared like an eight-foot tall, angry Grizzly Bear. He held this Pose for a second, then collapsed about Laughing.                                   He wanted other creatures to ‘Get Back’ from him and hammed up his own alarming appearance.   

             And then, without warning, the lights blazed brighter, and the anthem swelled from the speakers. The opening Riff reverberated through Mike’s bones. The crowd, still fanatically clicking away, became a sea of faces, hungry for the magic only live music could conjure. 

              Mike was holding a Guitar, but not his '94 Gibson Les Paul 'Standard’, which he was sure was around somewhere?  But this looked like to be a 1961 Gibson Les Paul 'Custom', with Three Pick-ups. It will do nicely. He went to his marked-off Position place on Stage Left, and grabbing a Lead Cord nearby, plugged it into the Guitar. A few Cords Played, and he had Sound.  Looking about him, Mike saw a Microphone and reached to pull it closer to him. His Band mates were at their Posts with their Set Lists handy and assembling similar Microphones. All three out front had Guitars, and now Microphones. 

               Mike now took a deep breath. The dream, the noise, the chaos- it all coalesced into this singular point. The band was finally going to play. The stage awaited their Souls, and they would pour their hearts into every note, every lyric. The spotlight found Mike, and he stepped into its embrace.  

                Looking around, Neil would put his own Guitar down to Sing as Front man. Mark was testing his Drumheads out, his Kit lighting up Synchronized with his Stick Strikes. Mike looked to own affairs and checked the Knob Level on his Marshall Amp, it seems good-but he recalled thinking a nice Sound Check earlier would have been a wonderful thing. This is normally a 'Given' before any kind of a Concert. He listened to the horrendous noise out front --and decided to crank his Levels to their Maximum. To heck with these Idiots, he wanted to hear the other Members play.  

                  Then the two massive Curtains that separated the FENGUs from the Band, recently named, 'Belt of Orion', began to part.  

                  The Deafening Clicking only got louder (if this were possible?). And Neil started to address the Masses in the Crowd, but realizing it futile, quickly moving to his Microphone to do so. He was at first still drowned out--then some FENGU Sound Engineer had Maxed-out his Levels, and now Mike could make out Neil's Voice, but still hard to understand him. Frustrated, Neil looked back at his Band Mates shaking his Head. He gave them the Nod... and began Counting in for the first Song, Number 1...'Get Back!’. 2.. 3.. 4.."POW!!" The first Chord struck, and the world fell away. The dream merged with reality, and the music carried them beyond both.  
                 Holding his Little Black Diamond-motived Guitar Pick, Mike blasted into their first song. A good, slower start up to get their volume levels up…. then to erupt into the first Verse. The lights went on with a blast all along the top runner Railings around the edges and outsides of the Stage. The clicking of the audience now became oppressively Loud, and the Clamor seemed to align into a pulsing, throbbing and resonating click. The audience was harmonizing as one. The band was no longer four individuals; they were a force- an electric storm about to break. And as the music surged, Mike knew: This was their moment. The dream had become their truth, and they would ride it until the last note faded into eternity.  

                 Mike was drifting once more...he was aware that the four of them were into the Fourth Song now...'For Those About to Rock’. As the chords for this song thundered through the venue, Mike’s sense of dislocation grew. The surreal setting of outer space, and absence of a security barrier, and the surge of FENGUs- all of it seemed to clash with his original vision of music. Yet here he was. 

                 He thought to himself that he hadn't signed up to be in a Glorified 'Arena Rock' Cover Band, but this was it, somewhere in Outer Space? -Unbelievable! Then Mike saw what he had been fearful of, a Surge of the FENGUs towards the Stage! He recalled-- there was nothing to stop them! The FENGUs rush toward the stage could symbolize a turning point, a moment where the unexpected becomes the new reality. Mike’s internal monologue reveals his struggle to reconcile his preconceived notions of what being in a band meant with the extraordinary circumstances he finds himself in. Circumstances had begun to go awry. 

                  Then suddenly, a large Black flash flew past Mike and leaped to the Front of the Stage shielding Neil, who continued to belt out the Song. It was Oblika , leaping into action. His dramatic, sudden and decisive action was a moment of heroism that turned the tide of a potential crisis. The wave of on-rushing FENGUs seemed to stop very abruptly. As Oblika loomed in front of them, they flew backwards like Hundreds of Champagne Corks popping skywards! Oblika jumped off the Stage, and waving his long Arms, dashed menacingly along the front Row in a herculean effort to herd them back. His intimidating and threatening presence worked. The Band didn't miss a Beat, and the crowd was still clicking wildly. The Scene was utter Pandemonium. The first several rows of FENGUs, were now gone!  

              This did the trick though. As the band played on unfazed, the wild clicking of the crowd continued, underscoring the surreal atmosphere of the event.  

             Mike felt as if he were drifting again. Even in the midst of this Craziness, it suggested a detachment from this reality around him. Maybe a coping mechanism or a deeper commentary on his state of mind.  

             Switching styles, Mike suddenly realized he held a Rhythm Guitar in his Hands and was playing the Riff in 'The Payback' number in the Set. The shift in the band’s performance to this song marks a transformative moment in the concert. The rhythmic guitar riff that Mike finds himself playing becomes a conduit for connection, taming the once frenetic audience into a synchronized sway.  

             The Audience had ceased the loud Pulse Clicking and was now weaving from side to side while purr-clicking softly. “YESSSS! we have them!”, Mike thought triumphantly. Who ever said that a Crowd cannot be controlled. 'The Payback' Song, with its deep grooves and resonant beats, from the same titled 1973 Album by James Brown, and the Song also on that Album, 'Mind Power', (Rehearsed, but not chosen for this Concert) transcends species...it works on FENGUs, as well as Humans. Yep. This Song had a wonderful pacifying effect upon the mass audience. And is a reminder of the universal language of music – a rhythm that speaks to the soul.  

            Mike reckoned their numbers to be in the high Thousands. The Band was really getting into this Song, and Oblika was still prowling about the Front of the Stage, but now back on it again. His presence was no longer one of defense but celebration. The band is in harmony with the song and the audience, and Mike, despite that feeling of drifting away again, was a part of this overall symphony.  

             Coming forth again, Mike was playing 'Rock and Roll’, song number seven on the set List. The audience was back shaking and clicking in super-loud, pulse clicks once more. Their Crowd Behaviour changed as the nature of the song did. The Band collectively Realized that they could manipulate their audience’s conduct by altering the Dynamics of the music being played. This ‘Rock and Roll’ song brought them into a state of excited engagement. This was not their first concert, as they traveled around in the same Capsule that brought them all here. It took no more than a few minutes to travel anywhere over this Planet.  So, leaving a special instrument, or a piece of equipment behind from the last 'Gig', was not an absolute panic. As going back to get it was not at all a time-consuming screw-up. This capsule travelling adds an interesting layer to their touring life and would remove the usual logistical challenges faced by similar earth-bound Music groups. Of not only mitigating the problems with potential mishaps but also allowing the band to focus more on their performances and the unique experiences of each concert.  

          Drifting onward again....it was the time of their version of 'Long and Winding Road', and the FENGU audience was again in a very different head space. The entire audience, many thousands of them, were swaying and purring contentedly. As in a trance. As the song reached its third Verse, something very unusual began to occur. Large patches of the crowd seemed to sit, or fall? This reminded Mike of so many thousands of small bubbles of soap that forms on the surface of Water, the round tops of the Bubbles all reflecting the Light and various Colours. Then someone would softly blow air onto them, and they disappear in a mass hiss. Similar, but not quite the same, but the FENGUs made an exhaling sound, then fell onto their backs in great swathes of dozens at first, then more into the hundreds! Like bubbles bursting on the surface, as their small bodies flopped over in waves. The Music was ‘knocking them down’.  

          Was this a cosmic effect unique to this Planet? Or does it hint at a deeper connection between music and consciousness across the Universe? The Long and Winding Road, once a Beatles ballad, now weaves through the hearts of FENGUs, leaving them transformed.  

           By the time the Group had finished playing their Song Number ten on their Set List- it was a done deal! Neil held up his right arm in a 'HOLD' signal. The auditorium was silent, except for a collective snoring noise. The silence that fell over the venue was profound- a stark contrast to the energy that had pulsed through the air moments before. The snoring of the FENGU audience, a collective symphony of exhaustion, was the only sound that now remained. Excepting the low humming coming from the speaker towers either side of the audience zone, suddenly starved of their musical relay. 

            The Stage was silent, the hum of the equipment being switched off by a couple of efficient FENGU assistants, other moved in silent their professionalism to slowly wrap up wiring and cables. Mark jumped down from his Drum Kit, sweat dripped profusely as he walked alongside Mike. It being a badge of the passion he poured into the performance, mirroring the release of tension that the band felt. The others and Oblika walked to the Stage edge as well.  

             Questions tinged with nervous energy flowed to Oblika from both Mark and Neil. Neil’s concern reflected the band’s uncertainty in the face of their audience’s unexpected reaction. But then again, everything about this place has been unexpected.  

               "Did we Kill them Oblika?!", a panting Mark asked nervously. 

       "What is wrong with them? Why are they like this now?", said Neil. 

         ["No, you didn’t kill them, you Lads 'TURNED' them. You gave them Life, and now they have to rest, dreaming of the stars you painted with your music. They have been overcome, transported by your music to a place of restful repose. Most importantly however, they are now imbued with ‘protection’ against the Evil that the Shadow Man could bring to them. It would just seek to transform these innocent little Creatures into willing, and Evil little Disciples of its own, for its own purposes."] Oblika announced. ["So now you have in a sense Inoculated this ENTIRE auditorium against such Mind-poison. I will tell you there are Thirty-three Thousand FENGUs laying out there!"] As Oblika swept a long Arm in an arc towards the slumbering piles.    

          He continued. ["Gather about me"]. The Band did as he asked. ["They were worn down by the many hours of the dancing, it mesmerized them. Opened their minds. Then they slowly worked themselves into a Frenzy. I helped to get them into one state of a collectively absorbing mind. You Lads just Finished them off."], said Oblika.   

         The band, standing at the edge of the stage, could look out at the sea of peaceful beings and know they has achieved something remarkable. They had not just played music; they had created an experience, a journey that each FENGU would carry in their hearts.     

            "So did we blow their minds, making them sick, Oblika?”, asked Patrick.  

                  ["No, not at all. You see they will come around in a few Hours' time, dust themselves off and wander back to their Homes. You see, the Concerts you have done already have only 'TURNED' a few Hundreds, or maybe no more than several Thousand...here or there? These were the First Round of warm-up, or TEST Concerts here on Jellsius 4. I have planned 200 such Concerts on this Planet. It will, YOU WILL convert Millions and Millions of these FENGUs here. You may write your own Tunes and practice them on these creatures. But I do expect many cover songs as well.'"]  Oblika was forth right and had helped to fill in more gaps in the overall strategy of his Overlords.  

           "Oblika, can I level with you Please?" said Mark.  

          ["By all means Mark, I want to give as much information as I can but couldn't all at once--a bit at a time. Ask away, please do?"] Oblkia explained with a sense of frankness. 

            "What is you plan for us?". Said Mark.  

           As the lights dimmed and the night wrapped its arms around the venue, the band could leave the stage with pride. Their music had touched the stars, and the echoes would resonate in the silence, in the dreams of thousands, long after the last note had faded.  

         The other Band Members were all gathered around Oblika and were listening intently. The silence in the air could be cut with a knife.       

            ["I am not the one in Charge here. Really, YOU are, I act as an Intermediary. An Intermediary for my People, the Ardoccans.  

           "We thought they were the 'Pathfinders?”, inquired Mike. 

            ["No--that is a Job. Many races, or Species can hold that position, as I mentioned this before. My People, the Ardoccans , are the dominant Species in the Nearest Inter-Galactic Empire to your Sol's Solar system, and Planet Earth. There we have a nearby listening Post--it's on your nearby Planet Neptune, the Station is on its Moon, Triton.  

              "SERIOUSLY! You have been listening in on Humanity for Decades then Oblika?", said Neil in shock.  

            ["NOT ME personally, I have been doing so for just over the last nine of your Earth year's assignment. As I listened to your ‘Rock and Roll’ music and many, many dreary Advertisements beaming over the Radio Waves, I heard other transmissions from Earth. Some of these more disturbing concerning your incessant Wars. Another Department became established on our Triton Base, one in which to study Humanity's progress on Weapons Technology. We noted that some of the Rock and Roll Songs my department was studying were about Opposition AGAINST Weapons procurement, AGAINST your Warfare. So, this intrigued us greatly. We developed a theory that if certain types of musical Genres worked positively for Human Beings- would this also not work for other, less sophisticated Species?  We believed it WOULD! So, I was given a Mission to infiltrate Earth for the purpose of spying to see if the Shadow Man were down there at play? He was not, but I had ample time to look about and study the Human Musical Scene. I apologize, but I think Blues, R&B and Rock and Roll is where it is at Lads!"], Said Oblika smiling from Fang to Fang. 

      ["This is NOT the best place to be having this Question and Answering session Lads. But you do have your right to know, don’t you. I shall do my best to bring you up to date.”] Oblika continued.   

       [ “So, while I was in charge of listening in on Cultural Content, the Artistic Content, I had an idea. We Ardoccans know that the Shadow Man likes to Pollute the Minds of Various Species and Races on Planets supporting Intelligent Life and reduces them to Burning Lumps of Rock in Space. So that was it, I explained my Plan that we grab a few compatible and disciplined ...... and Talented, Rock and Rollers, get them some really great Gear. Then bring them here to start off easy, playing to FENGUs. Once successfully 'TURNING' these Creatures to complete Passivity through Cultural Exposures. We will have countered the Shadow man BEFORE it arrives. Basically, the FENGUs will not have lost any ability to go about their normal business, but we have planted Seeds of Peace, deep inside their Brains that basically was done through Mass Hypnotism.  

           "And so, it was all your idea, to "grab a few of compatible and disciplined Musicians'!!! YOU HAD NO RIGHT Oblika! " Said Mike annoyed at this Disclosure. 

          [" If you had to look at the smashed Worlds, left by the Shadow Man and his Destructive Lyran Planet-Killers in Tow. See the Billions of lives snuffed out by the Shadow Man and his influences over Evil, unleashed upon innocent Worlds full of unsuspecting peoples and Races. Living Things completely unprepared in how to protect themselves against this Entity of Evil”] ...Oblika was getting angry. [" This is far BIGGER than all of you, far bigger than all of US"]. Concluded Oblika forcefully. 

           "How many Concerts do we DO then?" Said Neil loudly. 

 Oblika spun around to him and pressed his Mask-like Face down into Neil's who cringed backwards.  
               ["As many as I SAY...AS MANY AS IT TAKES!!!”] ...Oblika shouting angrily. This questioning elicited a passionate reaction from Oblika. His anger reverberated across the Stage, scaring the band. Even Neil, who asked the question, cringes backward.  But Oblika’s intensity is not without reason.   

   He then realized that he had over-stepped his point and frightened them all. His past experiences, the losses he’s endured, and the weight of responsibility drive his determination. 

          ["I am sorry Neil, I ...er, apologise everyone. I have personally seen the outcomes of what the Shadow Man is capable of, I have personally lost many loved ones in this fight, so this Memory is upsetting to me. I would not wish for you to witness and endure the same Pain I have. I am Sorry again, my friend."] said Oblika, feeling very badly. 

         The sudden shift from anger to remorse reveals Oblika’s vulnerability. He’s not just a Leader; he’s a being who carries the burden of memory and pain.  

          "I am okay Oblika, I think I can understand the Picture you are painting to me. I didn't mean to diminish or take away from what you have suffered or seen others suffering." said Neil. Neil’s understanding and reassurance bridge the gap, reminding Oblika that he’s not alone in this fight. Then Oblika shares the grand purpose- the reason behind their chosen species, the FENGUs. Adaptability, robustness, intellect- they are the building blocks for colonization.  

         ["We Ardoccans chose the FENGU Species as a Colonizer Life Form. We picked them due to their ability to adapt and the strength of will that they possess.  As well as their Intellect and Developmental Potential. So, we have many Millions here on their Home World of Jellsius 4 and have 'Planted' Many Millions more now on another Sixteen Planets that can support their Kind. So, Lads, YOU have a lot of work ahead of you!"]. Oblika said with conviction. 

         The band, now part of this Galactic mission, has work ahead of them. Their music, once a means of expression and parley for a few Coins in a Box in a tunnel, now has become a conduit for something greater-a bridge between worlds. 

      "So, after a rash of Concerts here already, when do we leave to go elsewhere Oblika?", Mark asked with great interest. 

       ["This is your biggest and best yet. This United FENGU Worker's Auditorium Concert was by far the largest so far. There will be several others, but we know now how best to 'Turn' these Creatures and how long it should take. It is better to ‘soften them up’ with these dancers. Then you lads go in for the Kill—or rather the ‘Turn’. We are learning a lot, the More that 'Turn', the better the Antidote against Evil. These 'Turned 'FENGUs will never be taken by the Shadow Man, you have preserved them! And the antidotal effects of this experience- ensures their survival."], said Oblika proudly.  

        "So, when do we get to Travel elsewhere again Oblika?", again asked Mark.  

        ["Yes, right. You have Fourteen more Concerts on Jellsius 4, then I am still working on the next available Planet--'Hollien', it is a few hours Travel time away, one Worm Hole--I promise. At that point you shall be Playing a Concert EVERY SIXTEEN DAYS!"]. 

       As the conversation died away—and Oblika moved off to the edge of the stage, the Band, ‘Belt of Orion’, joined him. The Five of them looked out across the Sea of sleeping FENGUs and all the work ahead of them. The band members exchanged glances. They’ve stepped into a saga beyond their wildest dreams. The FENGUs, the Planets, the Shadow Man-they're all part of a design yet to be constructed. And in this interstellar theatre, the band will play on, weaving their melodies into the fabric of the Universe.  

      This will be a Heck of an Adventure...... 


                                                                                                                                              End of CHAPTER IX.