VIII. The 'Mad Tea' Party & the Sound House.

                     After getting his Guitar and placing it against the Wall in the 'Lounge' Room, Mike gave a quick yell in the Tunnel that led from this 'Lounge' And with his enthusiasm reverberating through the dwelling, he ran back down towards the Four Bedrooms, to get the attention of the others.  The tunnel, a mysterious passageway connecting the Lounge to the four bedrooms, echoed with his excited yell. Inside the four sleeping quarters, the other three were busy sorting out their rooms, making up their Beds, either resting upon them, or could be in one or more of these four rooms.

                 "HEY GUYS! Check this out, come and see this!", said Mike euphorically. He had forgotten he was now famished.  

   Mike’s excitement was contagious, Neil, Mark, and Patrick stepped out of their Rooms, curiosity at all this this alarm. Their interest piqued.

                 "What's up Mike?" Mark asked. 

                 "A Banquet! The FENGUs are laying on a Feast for us...I assume it's for us?”, Mike questioned.

                  The word “Banquet” hung in the air, with promises of a feast. The FENGUs, mysterious creatures that they were, had orchestrated this event. They moved towards Mike and the four friends walked toward the front of their Dwelling, anticipation building. What delicacies awaited them? The Jellsian sun was dipping low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the scene. It was a moment of camaraderie, hunger, and wonder-a shared adventure in an unfamiliar world.

                "Yes, Oblika said there would be a Celebration once the fourth Member were here. We all had little welcoming Feasts in turn as we showed up, but he had told us that this one would be a special Celebration," said Neil as the four of them walked into the 'Kitchen' Room.

               Exiting the Tunnel, the four were not ready for the Display that beheld them.

             "WOW!", exclaimed Patrick.

             "Bloody Brilliant!", said Mark.

             "Holy Cow!", yelled Neil.

             "I told you so", said Mike.

                                                                                                                                       The Feast of the FENGUs.

               The Band Mates- four intrepid souls-had stumbled upon this hidden haven during their quest for melodies and adventures. There set up on several Tables in the 'Kitchen' was a bewildering Array of Platters, Bowls and Plates filled with various kinds of Nuts, Fruits, Breads and hot, steaming Dishes laid out for the Band Mates. Tables groaned under the weight of these Platters and settings. Each vessel a tantalizing surprise: roasted Nuts, sun-kissed fruits. Freshly baked breads, and those delectable dishes that steamed with fragrant promises. The air buzzed with anticipation as the Band Mates circled the tables, eyes wide with wonder.

               But it wasn’t just the presentation of the food that captivated them. No, it was the FENGUs – the enigmatic creatures who served as both waitstaff and companions. These feathered beings flitted about, their iridescent small wings catching the sunlight beaming in through the several windows and front door to Kitchen as more delights were brought indoors. A couple FENGUs carried in tiny chairs, placing them around the tables with delicate precision. The Bandmates were to perch on these miniature thrones, their legs would have to splay out under the table they were at, as these chairs were far too short for the task of eating from. But, somehow, they were stuck with that.

               Oblika, the obvious co-ordinator of this Feast, leaned against the large front doorway now. He had been observing the actions of the FENGUs, giving short ‘Clicks’ intermittently, as if adjusting commands to remind them of this touch, or a reminder of that Job?  He reared his Head inside the Doorway and began 'Clicking' at the FENGUs louder now, whereas two or three of them returned quieter 'Clicks'. His clicks echoed through the kitchen, and to the observance of the four Mates, the FENGUs responded in kind. The quieter clicks, like secrets exchanged in a hundred moonlit glades. The Band looked at this in wonder.

                    The Band Mates exchanged glances. Was this a dream? Or had they stumbled upon a portal to a realm where music and magic entwined? They were to be served a strange liquid, poured into Goblets and would soon be sipping a sparkling dew. Their laughter would blend with the soft, melodic clicks of the serving FENGUs, a feeling of peaceful tranquility would soon overtake them. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting golden hues upon the adobe buildings, they knew they were a part of something extraordinary.  

                    Obika began to address the four Humans now.

                    ["Hello Lads, I was merely telling my Friends here to NOT forget the 'Mad Tea' for a Drink while you Eat. I don't normally feed you Fermented FENGU Milk, plus Additives, nor intend for you to get, as you earth people refer to, drunk at all, but I understand that there should be some...'letting down of the Hair', as you say it."]. Said Oblika. He seemed to have a Grin happening, and continued... ["We have some on the way, if you wish to take some clean clothing for now and freshen up for Dinner-the Food and Drinks will be ready in Ten of your Human minutes time. So, see you back in here then. And when you return, I will have arranged for you to have bigger chairs too. "], Oblika assured the Band, and then with a shuffling gait, he moved out of the Doorway to leave outside. 

           "FENGU MILK!”, said Mike. 

           "Yes, it sounds worse than it tastes-- and is really VERY good!" Neil exclaimed, he sounded excited.

             "It's warm, creamy and has a load of BOOZE in it Mike", said Patrick. He continued, "I loooove Zart! That is, its name---ZARTttttt...mmmmm", Said Patrick, his Voice trailing away.

           He turned to head to his Room after collecting a Bundle of Clothing off a Chair."Come on you lot, quit standing about looking at the Food. Get your Clothes, and let's get changed for Supper cos' ten minutes goes quickly," urged Patrick.


           "Agreed," said Neil. "Let's make tracks!" And Neil headed back down the Tunnel. "Come on Men," he said.

           Mike took a second Bundle of Clothing off a different Chair and followed Patrick.

        "Aren't you taking some Clothes Mark?" said Mike while looking at another Pile and half expecting him to take some. 

        "No, thanks anyway Mike,” said Mark. "I have a whole Wardrobe full at the moment. The FENGUs brought them over for me from the Music Building. We call it our 'Sound House', " said Mark.  

        The two were now walking back through the Housing Complex.

       "Great, I look forward to seeing it later, or maybe tomorrow then, as it will be late after Dinner. I am getting tired, Inter-Stellar travel can be draining it seems", said Mike Laughing.            

        "Indeed, it is Mike", said Mark.

       "Do these little Creatures REALLY provide everything Mark"? Mike asked.

             "Well no. Not for us young Guys, I really miss my Girlfriend Kate. We could use some Female company, but this would only complicate our Mission," Mark explained, seeming a little whimsical. "I miss my Kate though, I never got to say any Goodbyes, just grabbed! " Said Mark. There was a stab of resentment in his words, at what had happened to him. Mark had gone fishing, and he and his Boat vanished when he was abducted. There must have been a Rescue effort following his disappearance, and the thought that his Boat had sunk, and that Mark was drowned must have been foremost in the minds of the investigators. Musing on Mark’s loneliness, Mike picked up his Guitar he had left in the 'lounge' enroute back to his Bedroom. All arriving back at their Bedrooms, the four Guys set about changing their Clothes. In Mike's case, getting out of three Day's old Clothes and Boots! ...And a very quick wash-up.

                                        Our Banquet, and Toast to our Success.                                                  

                At the appointed time, several Minutes later, the four made their ways back out to the 'Kitchen' Room. Just in time to see some FENGUs bringing in a large Bowl of steaming Liquid with six Cups on Hooks hanging from the outside Rim. There looked to be a Ladle of sorts in the Bowl, it's Handle protruding above the Level of the top of the Bowl.

               Oblika was standing in the 'Kitchen' somewhat stooped over with his Head against the Ceiling. The ceiling loomed low and made his appearance in this room look frankly, absurd.

              ["It is a little crowded for me as you can see. Hello Lads, I'll take the first Drink and a Snack with you, then make the 'Toast' to our Success, and then I will leave you Humans to Amuse yourselves and eat well",] said Oblika. [" And go easy on the ZART! Eh! Patrick, for tomorrow you four will be showing Mike your 'Sound House' -and then get to doing some serious Rehearsing when you decide on your Instruments of choice,"] outlined the Ardoccan.

              "Sounds good there Oblika," said Neil sitting himself down at the large Table made out with all kinds of assortments of delicious-looking Foods.

               Wearing their Flowing and somewhat awkward Robed Attires, the four Band mates were further pleasantly surprised to see appropriately sized Chairs now around the Tables. And so, they seated themselves down at the Main Banquet Table, then doled out the empty Plates that the FENGUs had brought in.

               The Table was set, the Food getting cold, the FENGUs bustling about, and the steaming hot Zart drink filling the air with its aroma. They all took a Cup and Ladled each in turn, a decent sized helping of Zart into their Cups. Oblika had done the same and raised his own Cup in a 'Toast'. The silly object looked like a tiny Thimble in this giant’s huge Hands, he could barely hold onto it. Almost dropping it to the ground as he raised the Cup-quite a comical sight!       

               ["To our Project! To my, Our Band! To OUR Success! May we win over Hearts, Inspire Minds and spread Peace, Joy, and Harmony with your...and OUR Music! Gentlemen, LONG... LIVE ROCK AND ROLL!"], said Oblika, with some very fine words. Oblika’s words echoed through the festive room, their poignant implications hanging in the air like the scent of exotic spices, to mix with the Aromas already swirling from the prepared foods. Mike and his curious fellow travellers from Earth, leaned forward, intrigued by the unfamiliar customs of this alien world.

                 With that, he raised his Cup, all the Band doing likewise, and knocked back this Nutty-tasting and warm Liquid, that tasted like a Milk Drink to Mike. Then, BAM!! A Kick in the back of the Throat, and an intense burning sensation all the way down the Digestive System and into the Stomach. (Ugh!), thought Mike! - Sixty or seventy percent Gut-Rot! If not for the delayed then sudden strike of a pungent Alcoholic mixture, Mike sensed the flavours as the taste akin to a unique blend of a sweetness, creaminess, and slight savory Flavour he could not compare against anything he had ever consumed previously in his lifetime. 

              "Take some of this Bread, it is made with a Cacti like Prickly Pears, and will remove the burning you are getting", said Neil helpfully.

               Mike looked in pain and seemed distressed at this strong burning sensation. 

               Neil had torn off a chunk of Green, Doughy Bread and passed it to Mike, who gulped it in his Mouth to extinguish the Burning he felt. In a few seconds the warmth that the Zart had caused began to diminish and slacken as this Bread passed into Mike's System. As it reached his Stomach, the burning feeling ceased. This Bread-like Loaf seemed like it was made of a green and moist, doughy slime, in parts. Like the Bread was uncooked and loaded with some Herbal concoction of cooling agents and neutralizing properties. A most welcomed infusion of relief. Magical Bread from a hidden Bakery perhaps? Without a doubt, some magic involved for sure.

                Maybe Neil had stumbled upon a mystical bakery hidden in the heart of a secret forest. Their specialty? Bread that heals and comforts. Who knows what enchantments were woven into those doughy loaves! Or more likely, was following the advice for whatever the FENGUs, or Oblika himself had recommended.

               "This stuff works like Magic Neil!", exclaimed Mike. “Thank you so much".

             ["You are supposed to take this Bread BEFORE you drink any Zart, if you have never had it before, which you haven't. I have much to tell you about things on this Planet,"] said Oblika gleefully.  

            The Ardoccan Emcee of this Feast, gestured toward the laden tables. And invited all at the Table to dig into the Food. Mike’s Bandmates, equally fascinated, hesitated before selecting their portions. The dishes were a vibrant array of colours and textures, each one a tantalizing mystery waiting to be unraveled. Mike watched the other three Band Members take their portions of various Dishes first. Oblika , with an air of confidence, reached for a Bowl and with a Scooping Spoon, helped himself to a Dish containing White Meat-like looking morsels bathed  in a rich Red Sauce in a Cauldron, Steam curling upward, carrying with it the promise of flavour and adventure

               Mike followed suit, scooping a portion onto his square plate. A curious wood and stone mixed material object. The meat was tender, its taste unlike anything he had ever experienced- a fusion of sweet and savory, with a hint of spice. 

               As he savoured the dish, Mike wondered what other secrets this planet held. What stories lay hidden in its landscapes, history, and its species of life. Oblika’s cryptic words hinted at a deeper truth- one that Mike was determined to uncover.

               And so, with each bite, he embarked on a journey of discovery, fueled by curiosity and the promise of more revelations to come. The Cauldron’s steam swirled around him, carrying whispers of ancient tales and uncharted realms. Mike knew he was just scratching the surface, but he was ready to dive deeper into this enigmatic world- one plate of alien cuisine at a time.

              ["This is my Favorite Dish-- 'Abeelik' , I think comparable to your Curried Fish Stew on Earth, but it is not a Fish-but a Protein Rich Mushroom which grows at a High Altitude here on Jellsius. Try some, I think you will enjoy it, Mike?"] Oblika invited. Mike did, and picking up his Utensils, was surprised to taste how mild it was, but it had some Spice in it as the Flavours came in and out as they triggered his Taste Buds.

           "VERY good, very, very good Oblika", remarked Mike in pleasure at trying this Dish. 

            ["Glad it meets with your approval, Mike. I will take my leave after I finish my Snack here, as I must return to your Earth tomorrow. I'll be gone for a few of your Earth Days. There are some things I need to collect, more Guitars apparently,"] Oblika announced while looking at Patrick.

          After Oblika finished his Food, and true to his word, he bade Goodbye to them all and left the 'Kitchen'.  

           "Oblika.. has left the building!", exclaimed Mark.

              Mark’s exclamation adds a touch of humour to the scene. Its fascinating how a simple departure can become a memorable moment.

           "Apparently so”, said Patrick who continued." I would have loved to be going back with him. I could Escape! Ha ha ha...but I hope he gets some decent Bass Guitars on this Trip?", Patrick said quite ruefully.

          The Band members were happily tucking into the various Dishes of Cold Cuts of something? Eating the Abeelik Stew, dining on the odd-looking Fruits and Pastries. More Soups and substances that tasted like an assortment of Cheeses. It was all very delicious, but none of it looked familiar at all to Mike.

             "So, tell me Patrick, what is the problems with the Bass Guitars?”, asked Mike Intrigued.

             "Well Mike, because we have none here! You see, Oblika has been hearing Earth Radio Broadcasts for many Years on this end but has NEVER SEEN a Bass Guitar with his own Eyes.

              He has only heard them played in Songs", explained Patrick with a big broad grin. Neil spoke up...

             "We seem to have a Plethora of Lead Oblika kept seeing Guitars with only four Strings and gaps between each, so he incorrectly assumed these were defective in some way?"...said Neil.

         "So, he kept grabbing Lead Guitars with Six Strings instead! Ha ha ha,." finished Mark laughing loudly.

             "Oh! Bloody Hell! said Mike.

           And all four began a long round of Laughter at Oblika's sorry and embarrassing mistake.  The Zart was beginning to have its effect.

           "Don't mention it to him, as like I did. He near flew into a Rage when I told him I couldn't Play as have no Basses! Ha ha ha ha “. Patrick was in stitches of Laughter now.

          "Have you ever seen an Angry Ardoccan Patrick”? said Mark.

           "No, I have seen a Frustrated one--it is enough, ha ha", replied Patrick.

          This elicited yet more Laughter and mirth from the Band Members. The Conversation continued at a fast pace as the Zart took a hold of them all. 

           "How about 'Clean-up'?", asked Mike.

           "FENGUs, they prepare, serve the Food for us and clean up. Fortunately for us, they adore us and do it for Love". Said Neil.

            "Sweeeet!", blurted out Mike.

           The feast continued, the boundaries between worlds blurred. The four Bandmates getting drunker by the hour, or whatever passed for an Hour on Jellsius? The Zart had overtaken them. These four now sang songs of forgotten Bands back on Earth, and of long forgotten lands. Through narrowing eyes Mike thought he saw some FENGUs dancing on the Tabletops, their short, little Wings shimmering like Stardust. Oblika still perched both inside and outside of the doorway? No, this cannot be, he imagines this. Mike felt the Music resonate within him. Perhaps, just perhaps, this enchanted kitchen held the key to unlocking melodies that transcended Time.

             And so, as the Moons rose over Jellsius and the FENGUs led them in a celestial waltz, the Band Mates vowed to return. For in that bewildering array of food and friendship, they found more than nourishment- they had found Magic.

            "So, do you want to take a sneak Preview of our 'Sound House' tonight, Mike?" asked Mark foggily. "Oblika has gotten me Six Drum Kits?" Mark sounding impressed.

           "Wow!" Stammered Mike.

           "Let's do it--we'll Play tomorrow, but for now I see no reason NOT to show you our surprise", said Neil.

             "Yeah! I want to see this place," said Mike excitedly.

            "Well let's go guys!" urged a Drunken Patrick trying to get up from the Table. 

             After Supper, the Four of them wandered outside and began to stagger across the Field to the 'Sound House' Instrument Storage Building to show Mike what was inside it.  A small group of FENGUs followed at a safe distance, while others cleaned up the 'Kitchen' after their Meal was done. Mike remembered he had left his Guitar in his Bedroom as his original Plan was to take it across to the 'Sound House', but he knew where it was, and would only do so tomorrow now anyway. Stumbling across the Tall Grass in the dark Field, with one or other of the Band Members taking a bad Trip as they stepped onto an area of uneven ground. Finally, and gingerly they made it to the 'Sound House' in the Darkness. Neil tapped the Flat of his Hand against a Green Glowing Pad on the opening of a Door--and a series of Lights popped on in a circle on the Outside of the Building, illuminating the Group and a considerable area behind them. Then the Door slowly slid Open. Floodlights burst to Life on the Inside-- and there was a Floodlit Hallway Chamber's full of all kinds of Various Musical Instruments! Guitars, Drums Sets and other percussion Instruments, Pianos and Keyboards, Wind Instruments, Miscellaneous treasures…So much equipment!

                  Electric Keyboards, synthesizers, and digital Pianos would line one side of the warehouse. Drum Kits, Cymbals, and percussion instruments would create a rhythmic corner. Maybe there was a Djembe, or a set of Congas, or a vibraphone waiting for skilled hands to explore their timbres. On the walls were a selection Brass and Woodwind Instruments-adding warmth and melody. Trumpets, Saxophones, Flutes, and Clarinets would be neatly arranged. A shiny Silver Trumpet catches the light, inviting someone to blow their Blues away. There were Violins, a Cello, and even a double Bass stored in their protective cases. Their strings ready tossing soulful music or join an orchestral arrangement. On a space on one wall, hung a well-loved Violin, its varnish worn from years of playing, could evoke memories of countless performances.

                 This ‘Sound House’ would also be found to harbour unique Instruments like the Theremin (played without physical contact), Kalimbas, even a Hurdy-Gurdy! Vintage effects pedals, Amplifiers, and recording equipment would also be found- tucked away, waiting for experimentation. This place was a Gold Mine of Musical history. How did it all get here was what begged the question. But these were all items that must be investigated on a different occasion, with a clear, uncluttered and sober mind.

              " All these are HOT! Stolen by Oblika to build us a Collection of the best Instruments we could need, we have some great Guitars here", said Neil very proudly.

                "Look over there",Neil pointing to a mass of Guitars on Stands. "We have Fender Telecasters 1960, 1968, Gibson Les Pauls, 'Standard' 1958, 'Gold Top' 1952, 'Custom' 1961, a 'Junior' 1956, and a Firebird V 1976!", Neil stated with Drunken excitement.

                 "Yes!!  Oh! my Gosh!!”, exclaimed Mike in amazement. Neil continued. "We have a Gibson Les Paul Traditional -faded Honey burst, also a Gretsch 6120-1959 and a Silver Jet 1956!" said Neil rattling off some of the Multitude of Guitars.

                "Then there are a Grets...Gretsz..Drums..", said Mark while falling over, as he tried to point at a number of Drum Kits behind the impressive Array of Vintage Guitars. Mark knocked something over when he fell- a stand he used to steady himself had given way, a small container of items falling onto the Floor. 

             Patrick and Neil went over to Mark and picked him up. Mike Picked up a tiny irregular-shaped object--it was a Guitar Pick with a Diamond Motif on the front of it. Having no Pockets on the Robe he had quickly learned to hate, he put it in his Mouth.

                "We need to get him out of here guys, he is out of it", said Mike logically. "Here, let me help him too". 

                  The four staggered out of the Hall of Instruments, and Neil hit the Lights on the way out.

             "We'll be back tomorrow when we can see and WALK, ha ha, maybe I will get a Bass Guitar in a Week’s time?”, stated Patrick. 

               The four fast friends made their way very carefully back out into the Dark Field. The FENGUs nearby clicking softly as the group aimed their eyes and themselves at the Lit-up Housing Complex and made a Bee Line for the Outside Lights which illuminated them. 

             "Tomorrow, we start to Practice as a Foursome, after we get some much-needed rest", declared Neil. 

              Getting back inside their Housing Complex, the four shamefully made their besotted way to their Rooms and split off into pairs in the bigger Room outside. Mark was laid down on his Bed and was fast asleep before he hit the Sheets. He was snoring loudly. 

              The other three bade goodnight to each other and crashed onto their own Beds. Mike took the Pick out of his Mouth and placed it on a small Table alongside his Bed. He crashed down upon the Bed, with a Dull Ringing in his Ears. The room was dark, but a sliver of Light came from the Room outside. He closed his burning Eyes.... 

               Then Mike fell into a very deep sleep.   
