VI. An Art for their Soul.


(From previous Chapter) -- ......This 'Object' was moving in the general direction of the front of the Adobe Complex. Maybe its Occupant had come Home? Oh! Dear!! ..........


                                                                                                          END OF CHAPTER V: 'NEW HORIZONS', 

                                                                                         BEGINNING OF CHAPTER VI: 'AN ART FOR THE SOUL '.



                 Mike stood there, heart pounding, caught in the crossroads of fear and determination. The harsh fluorescent lights of the hallway flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows on the floor. His mind raced, considering the options before him.

                 Mike was torn between the uncertainty if he ought to hide in one of the Washrooms, or perhaps take matters in hand, and head to the Front Door to face the consequences of his being in the building?  In any case, he had been discovered. Hesitating a few moments, he decided to face up to the situation and deal with things as they unfolded. 

                He decided to face the consequences at the front door.

                Rounding the last Room Interior while backtracking his way out, Mike walked through the Sitting Room with the 'Non-Television' Box positioned it's the corner.  He then paused, and went through the first Tunnel he had entered, then into the 'Kitchen' Room. The large, tall and heavy Door was now closed. The Door Handle started to depress as being opened from without, something was outside and about ready to come in. If Time could slow down at that very moment, it seemed to do just that.

               The front door loomed ahead-a heavy imposing barrier between him and the outside world. If he stepped through it, he would confront whatever awaited him: Mysterious creatures, the source of the large shadow he saw, or perhaps even the unknown factor that had been paralyzing his decisions. But at least he decided, it would be an honest confrontation. He wouldn’t be skulking in shadows, waiting for fate to catch up with him.

               Mike’s pulse thundered in his ears. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and walked towards the front door. As he pushed it open, the colder air rushed in, carrying the scent of moisture. Whatever lay beyond the threshold, Mike was ready to face it. Sometimes life forced us to make choices-choices that defined who we were and what we were willing to risk. He hoped that he had made the right one.

               Mike took a deep breath, closed his Eyes momentarily --then heard the Door bang open! Oh my!! Mike opened his Eyes and saw before him framed within the Huge Doorway, a massive Black form, shiny or wet? It seemed to glisten and appeared to be standing upright on two Legs. The sheer size of this Creature staring at him menacingly, was enough to make Mike draw back and cringe in fright. He quickly estimated it to be more than Seven feet, but almost seemed to be crouching at the same time. Vividly, its sight was enough for him.

              In an instant, he had leaped back into the Tunnel, then turned Tail to sprint towards the Washrooms, as was his initial plan. He ran as far as he could to the extreme end of the complex.  His footsteps echoed in the dimly lit tunnel. Panic fueled his flight, and he dared not glance back to see if the creature pursued him. He ran as far as he could at the extreme end of the complex. The closest of the four washroom doors loomed ahead, and he pushed it open, stumbling inside. He then shut the door firmly, putting his full weight against the inside of it.

Inside the washroom, Mike leaned against the cool tile-like flooring, gasping for breath.

What was that creature? Why was it here? And most importantly, was he safe now?

                As he caught his breath, Mike realized he needed a plan. He couldn’t stay in the washroom indefinitely. However futile this may be, he considered his options.

                Minutes passed.

                As Mike grappled with fear and uncertainty, he finds himself trapped with no escape. The Door was thick and seemed like it was made of a Metallic material? This metallic door became a barrier between him and an unknown threat. Mike’s dread tightens its hold upon him. He felt isolated, vulnerable, and the realization that there is no way out further accelerated his heart beats. This unknown menace was like nothing his wildest nightmares could produce! It very presence seemed to invoke his helplessness and impending doom.

                Mike quickly looked about, as he wanted to barricade himself inside, but nothing seemed heavy enough, nor portable to drag and jam behind the Door. This door is more than just a physical obstacle- it represents the limits of his control over his fate. Adding to the fact that to make any noise in doing so was a very bad idea. For the first time, he was terrified that he may die this day. 

                 Mike’s heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm echoing the frantic thoughts racing through his mind. The metallic door loomed before him, its cold surface a barrier between him and whatever lay beyond. His mouth felt like sandpaper, and his palms were slick with sweat. The dread was visceral- a primal instinct warning him of extreme danger.

                 As he pressed himself against the door, Mike’s mind raced. What was on the other side? Was it a predator, hungry and relentless. Or something worse- an otherworldly force that defied reason? He knew one thing: if this thing truly wanted in, mere human strength wouldn’t hold it back. The door was his last defense, and there was no escape route.

                 In moments like these, time stretches, and every heartbeat feels like an eternity. Mike’s senses sharpened- the faint sound of a quiet shuffling. He wondered if he’d ever see daylight again, if he’d feel the warmth of the…any sun…on his face. But for now, it was just him and the door- a thin barrier between life and whatever awaited him.

               The silence pressed in on him, broken only by the sound of his own breathing. Mike steeled himself, ready to fight, or flee. But flee where? Figuratively, his back was already against a wall. Survival instincts kicked in, urging him to find a way out. But there was no other way. No secret passage, no hidden exit. Just the door- a silent sentinel guarding his fate. Was he to be eaten alive? And so, Mike waited, heart racing, dread gnawing at his insides. The metallic surface remained unyielding, and he wondered if it was mocking him. In that moment, he understood the fragility of existence- the thin line between safety and oblivion. The door held the answers, but it was also the keeper of secrets. All he could do was brace himself and hope that whatever lay beyond wasn’t hungry for his flesh. He pressed against the door all the harder. The door stood firm, and Mike’s resolve wavered, would he be devoured, or would he emerge victorious? Only time would tell. But for now, he clung to the door, his lifeline in a world turned upside down.

                  More time passed by--maybe the creature had left? Or perhaps it could not navigate the Narrow walls of the Tunnels and low roof of the Rooms? That was it, the creature was gone!? Please let it be so!! But it was only several Rooms away, after all. Mike could hear his Heart pulsing inside of his Head. Seconds seemed like Minutes.

                The low shuffling sound alerted a new height of Fear within him, something was coming nearer. Whatever was closing in, it was now in the larger Room outside this Washroom Door. 'My God! It Comes for me', he thought. He was a dead Man. 

                  Then the shuffling noise ceased, and a Panting sound replaced it. No sooner was the Panting heard, than there was a sharp Knocking on the outside of the Door- powerful and precise, yet tender and direct. A strange grating Voice emanated from mere inches on the outside of the door. Almost like a poorly managed whisper…



              ["Mr.Parris...MR PARRIS! ......DON'T be scared!"]. A familiar Voice was heard to be speaking directly to him.

                  Mike FROZE! Afraid to answer, thus revealing himself inside-inches away from 'It'. 


             ["Mr.Parris, this is Ris Oblika...I am Oblika! Open the Door now. I almost broke my Neck getting through this tiny place--are you in there? Its quite ALRIGHT. I didn't mean to startle you."], Oblika stated reassuringly.  

              Mike knew the 'Cat and Mouse' Game was up--but felt a great sense or relief that maybe today at least, he would NOT get Eaten?


             "Oblika!? Is this YOU?", gasped Mike. Still holding firm against the inside of the Door.


              ["Yes, I deeply Apologize.  I often have this effect on Humans when we first meet. This is why I wouldn't meet you until now on the Planet surface. I am getting out of here; this place is making me Stiff and sore already. I am heading out to the Front, come and meet me out there --okay? Someplace where I can stand up at least"].


               " I, I'll be along in a bit ...then. Just a little bit", Mike said incredulously.


                ["Alright, out by the Front Door--your Band Mates are on the way here to meet you. They are Human LIKE YOU-- not like ME. So, make yourself at Home, as this is where you will be staying. I'll let you collect yourself, and see you in a little while--Okay?"] Stated Oblika very helpfully.

                  Mike then heard more grunting and shuffling noises that sounded as if they were receding. Then these Sounds diminished to a silence. He waited in the Washroom for a few Minutes, then very slowly, cracked open the Door a sliver. There was nothing lurking outside in the larger Room, and the place was all quiet.


                  So, Mike thought his day was reached where he should die? But still, new opportunities beckon to him for yet better chances in Survival. He would head out to the Front of the Complex and meet Oblika. What other choices did he have anyway. First, Nature called to him, and this was an opportune time to see if the Plumbing in Washroom was connected. He was delighted to discover that it was.

  Heading outside to the Front door-- Mike exited the First of the Rooms he originally entered by the 'Kitchen'. There he was shocked to see a gathering of about Twenty to twenty-five of the curious 'Parrot-Monkies' he had glimpsed a short time ago dodging him Room to Room inside. 

                   The Small, furry and seemingly very Agile little Animals took sight of Mike-- and all began clicking Wildly, then some began scampering over to him. Mike’s encounter with these curious and joyful creatures is truly remarkable. For these creatures, with their small stature and broad mouths, seem to be a delightful blend of Parrots and Monkeys. Their clicking sounds and smiling expressions add to their enigmatic charm.  They stood approximately at around three feet tall, and they did not seem to be behaving or in the appearance of threatening or intimidating at all. These pleasant attributes seem to give Mike a lack of fear of them.

                    Although a normal reaction would be to avoid these odd Creature, they seemed to be Joyful. Six of these Furry Animals surrounded Mike, and seemed to be hopping slightly in what for all appearances looked like excitement? Their broad Mouths on their small Heads- and he did not know better, swore that these little fellows were ...smiling and Laughing in their happy sounding Click talking. The fact that they approached Mike with apparent excitement suggests they were friendly and curious. This clicked did come across as a form of communication among themselves. Perhaps they’re sharing stories, expressing joy, or even laughing!

                  The Sun over Jellsius was quite high in the Sky, and it was then that Mike's fascination for these Strange and very friendly Animals was interrupted by a creeping Shadow that seemed to be growing over him from behind.

 Now with the Shadow completely over top of him, Mike turned to Face who he realized was now Oblika. Turning, he saw a looming figure above him. Oblika stooped down and held out Two out-stretched Arms towards the Little Animals, and Four of them leaped into its Arms! For a few moments, Oblika acted like Mike were not there at all. This seemed to Mike like a non-threatening Behavior to minimize the effect of seeing him as a threat, by acting less of one.  It did make Mike feel more at ease, and Oblika seemed almost 'Fatherly'. 


                    ["Hello Mr Parris, Mike Parris. You can see that I am little to worry about, these little Fengus are good Judges of character, and will never approach some other Creature that they get a sense of Fear about. They Trust me, and so should you. Hello...AGAIN"] insisted Oblika. 

                    "Hello Mr Oblika. I am pleased it is you that I've met," said Mike.

                    Looking at the monstrous Being in front of him, Mike was thinking that Oblika reminded him of a giant Insect and Machine Robot combination. Of an unholy apparition of an amalgamation between an Insect and a Machine. It stood on two Large and long Legs and had two Arms that were each at least Six Feet in Length. Oblika's Massive Head seemed to have a Facial Split down the Centre, and demarcation Lines running Vertically towards each of both outside halves. There on the sides of his Head towards the top on the outsides, protruded an Antenna for each side. Not unlike those found on the Heads of the Common Black Ant. Oblika had menacing looking Slits for Eyes below each of the two Antennae, and to complete this bizarre spectacle-- a powerful set of crushing Mandibles at the bottom of it's Head. The 'Skin' on Oblika looked more like an Armoured Suit more than anything else-- as worn by a Samurai, and an appearance of some kind of Honorific rank.

                  Mike’s encounter with Oblika opens a portal to wonder and speculation. What other mysteries lie hidden in the folds of its armoured skin? The Black colouration of this 'Armour' shone and reflected Sunlight to give it an overall Glistening look. Almost seeming Wet. 


                       "I have a number of Questions to get answers to. Are you wearing a kind of Suit, or shielding Oblika? Also are you a Male, Female or neither, in your Species?", ventured Mike. 

                        Not knowing if this last question would illicit an angry reaction from the large Creature?

                        ["I will be truthful with you. Yes, I am wearing Sunlight Protection Screening as a daily part of my Dress, what you may consider as your.... Clothing. And for the second Question, I am a Male of my Species. I am called an Ardoccan.  I see that you notice a difference between the first 'Pathfinder' that you met in the London City Subway Tunnel-and Myself.  Our Job is that of a 'Pathfinder', but this Occupation may be held by a different number of Species, if they have been chosen wisely by the Governing Body of 'Supremes'"], said Oblika, being more than helpful at this point. 

                         The Four Furry little Fengu s jumped down from Oblika's Arms after their initial greeting was satisfied, as would an Earthly Domesticated Dog.

                       "Thanks for these answers, what are these little Creatures called again, Fengees? " Mike said.


                        ["FENGUs, they are harmless. They live on Vegetation and thrive in great Herds. They are the Dominant Species on Jellsius 4. Little more than your Cats on Earth, but far smarter and Social,"] offered Oblika.


                       "So, if I am not to be eaten, kept as an Exhibit in this abode (Mike points to the House Complex), what is the reason I am here to be in a Band and play Music!? I am Confused!" Mike begins to laugh as his Tension breaks. 

 More Fengu s had gathered around Oblika's Legs, and he looked down at these new arrivals, then began to softly Click to them. Some clicked back at him-- and then he waved his Arms slowly, as if to tell them to run along. And then they scampered off clicking to one another. 


                      "What did you say to get rid of them?" Mike said impressed.


                     ["May I address you as Mike, Mr Parris?"], asked Oblika.


                     " Yes, yes..of course, since we are going to know each other better and be somewhat working together." Mike replied.


                      ["I shall be frank, I did not GET RID of these little ones, they are my friends- I merely 're-directed ' their attention elsewhere. And yes, we shall be more than SOMEWHAT working together. You and your Band Mates are a part of my Team"], assured Oblika.


                     "My Apologies, I did not intend insult in any way, was only curious what was said to make them leave, I don't understand all that Clicking do I?" Mike a little annoyed.


                       ["Of course you don't Mike, it is I who ought to Apologize, you see...Ahh! your Band Mates, they come!"], said Oblika, looking up and in the direction behind Mike.  

  He continued....


                       [" YOU, Four, will play Rock and Roll 'Cover Songs’, for the Masses of FENGUs on Jellsius 4. To make them Passive and Peaceful once more, in the wake of the destructive influence of the 'Shadow Man', as we call him. To restore Harmony and Balance. To 'Right the Wrong' that was done to these Poor Creatures and restore an 'Art for their Souls'. In a Nutshell--this is it!"]. Explained Oblika. 


                      Oblika laid it all out for Mike at this point.


                                                                                                       END OF CHAPTER VI:

                                                                                                BEGINNING OF CHAPTER VII.  
