VII. Some Answers & The 'Shadow Man'.


                                                                                                                    END OF CHAPTER VI:

                                                                                                             BEGINNING OF CHAPTER VII.            


        " Hey you! We've been waiting many Months for you. I'm Neil, Neil Sills, and you must be Mike Parris?", yelled Neil boisterously. 

    Mike spun around to see Three young men wandering in his direction. The closest one had introduced himself as Neil, the other two were slowly following behind. 

        " HELLO there, yes, I am Mike", he replied surprised, squinting against the glare of a sun. “Its nice to meet you, Neil”.

        " Neil here, Sills". He extended his Hand to shake with a firm grip on Mike's pre-offered Right. "How are ya?" Neil answered. Neil shook it with a firm grip. The two other guys caught up, introducing themselves as Mark and Patrick. 

"Good...GREAT!! more People!.Woohoo! I thought I be all alone here..." said Mike excitedly.

           Mike had rushed towards Neil and the other two and shook their hands. Then involuntarily pulled Neil into a Hug. The other two Lads moved behind, and Mike treated each of the other two in turn to the same reaction. They all seemed friendly enough, but Mike couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. Perhaps it was the way Neil had said they’d been waiting months for him.

          "I'm Mark, Mark Evans ... a Drummer. I was grabbed three Months ago--so pleased to meet you, Mike!" said Mark.

      "Mike Parris, great to meet you too Mark!" Said Mike gleefully.

       "I'm Patrick Greniere," said with a French Accent, hugging Mike. 

       "Great to meet you too! A delightful gathering of Musicians’. Mike exclaimed. Mark Evans, the Drummer extraordinaire, and Patrick Greniere, with his charming French accent. “Its an absolute pleasure to meet all of you!”

        The setting buzzed with excitement as they exchanged stories about their Musical journeys.

         Patrick continued..."I was initially playing in some jazz clubs in Paris, but I soon realized that Rock and Roll was much more to my liking. So, after moving to Britain as a French Student studying in London, I joined a Band as a Lead Guitarist in Jamming sessions on my Spare time with a few Friends. One night, we took a break, and I had to fix a String on my Guitar, get a drink, and have a Smoke -so went to our Van -then met some strange Homme with a Lantern--then I was flying in Space!! I still have a hard time realising I am no longer on Earth! They took me too, three weeks ago. This is Crazy, these two ...mes Amis" looking at his Two comrades, “have been great to have here. They have helped me try and deal with a lot of dis shit." Patrick explained almost apologetically. 

               Mike thought Patrick had a lot to say for himself on this initial meeting but was probably still dealing with the effects of Confusion and Fear. Then he noticed that Oblika now stood some distance from them. Mike was intrigued with Oblika’s behaviour. He seemed to be petting a large Group of excited FENGUs and Clicking away in 'Click chat' with these curious little Creatures that suggested a certain level of familiarity. There was definitely an ulterior motive beyond what was immediately apparent. Mike caught him glancing back at the young Men as if communicating with the FENGUs about them, like a hidden or as yet undisclosed purpose, beyond the face value of an action. He thought he saw a Grin on the Mask-Face of Oblika, and wondered if there was some sort of concealment of something more significant. Could he be using the FENGUs to gather information or manipulate the situation? Whether Oblika’s grin is innocent or harbours a hidden agenda remains to be seen! Only time will reveal the truth.

              "Mike, Guys, shall we continue these Introductions indoors as it is very Hot out here under the Sun"? Said Neil to the other three and pointed to the Building Complex.

 "Great idea Neil”, stated Mark.

  "Oui “, said Patrick.

 "I am good with that, its baking out here!" Mike concurred.

                Neil put his Arm around Mike's right Shoulder to guide the way. Although freshly arrived, Mike had begun to get a sense of camaraderie with these three new ‘friends’, and perhaps even a slight sense of protection towards him.

              "We have much to discuss", while shooting him a small wink like he has something to reveal about why they are on this strange Planet. That should come as hardly a surprise after all. 

               Heading into the Housing Complex, the Four Band Members were chatting wildly.  No sooner than Neil saw the last of them through the Front Door and inside, did he raise a Finger to his Lips at Mike. Neil’s actions spoke louder than words. His raised finger to lips signaled for silence, and the four Band members moved with stealth through the interconnected rooms and tunnels until they reached the dimly lit 'Lounge' Room of this housing complex. The air was thick with anticipation, and the soft padding of their footsteps echoed off the walls. Neil then asked the other three to sit down in the Sofa and Chairs.

            As they settled onto this furniture, Neil remained standing, his gaze steady. The room held an air of secrecy, as if it harboured hidden truths waiting to be unveiled. The flickering Light from an old-fashioned Lamp cast shadows on the walls, emphasizing the gravity of the moment.

           Neal cleared his throat, his voice low and deliberate.

         “Gentlemen,” he began. “We find ourselves at a crossroads. Our encounters with Oblika have left us with more questions than answers. His behaviour is peculiar, and I suspect there is more to him than meets the eye.”

            The other three exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Mike shifted in his seat, feeling the weight of the situation. What secrets lay behind Oblika’s mask? And why did Neal lead them here, away from prying eyes?

             "I realize we have all met Mike for the first time, but I would like to give him the opportunity for us to say a little bit about ourselves as an Introduction. Since I am still standing up- I'll kick this off". Neil said.

            "My name is Neil Sills, and I was the second of us to be brought here and have been here approximately Two Months now. I Sing and play Guitar and was working in various Clubs with several other Players. I was taken one night while out using a Phone booth during a dark night. The Story is a familiar one-the Golden, Bright Light, and the Capsule Ride across Time and Space, until I got here and met Mark".  Neil explained. " Mark, would you like to be next, and I'll take a seat”, Neil saying as he sat down on the Sofa. 

           " Yes, for sure Neil", as Mark gets up. 

           "Hello Mike, I am Mark Evans", Shaking Mike's Hand. "I was brought here first, and was scooped up, literally, off of Lake Windemere, in the Lake District of Northern England. I was doing a spot of Fishing and out in the middle on my own, when I observed an intense Light coming straight towards me under the surface of the Water. I huddled down in the bottom of the Boat to brace for impact. The surface of the Water around the Boat grew Turbulent and became intensely lit, with a golden light surrounding the Boat and space above it. I was engulfed, and then I seemed to be traveling in some sort of Capsule. Until I ended up here, and so too did my little Fishing Boat, ha ha ha…it is across the Field alongside the Warehouse-where we have a surprise for you. So yes, I have been here almost Three Months now".  He continued, " At first, I was afraid--when I set sight upon Oblika there, well, I hid myself in a Bathroom for Days!! " Mark said.

               That sounded like a similar plan Mike had explored.

              "I did the same thing myself, make yourself small, huh! Wow! That is quite a Story" said Mike laughing.

             "Yes, exactly, I didn't know what to make of him at all. But he soon earned my Trust when he supplied me with Food, Drinks and Clothing--and told me that more Humans would come to join me and what his Plan was-which I assume we are going to tell you here?" Mark said. He then sat down. "I miss my Parents...they are probably Four Thousand Years Old in ‘Earth Years’ now- long dead, what 'Right' did he have to bring us here?" Mark was looking down and seemed deeply troubled.

              Sympathetically, Neil spoke.

            "I know you were particularly close to your Parents, Mark, I am sorry Bro. He has his orders-and tries to provide for us wherever he can, but that is no consolation Mark" Neil empathized.

            Patrick stood up and held his Head up. 

          "Bonjour Mike, I am Patrick Greniere as I mentioned to you outside, and I am missing France, ha ha", Patrick quipped. He continued, "I was Playing in a Pub in North London, Camden, when the Band I was doing the Gig with took a break between our Set of Songs. I had to go out to the Van and get another String for my Guitar and wanted a Smoke. While I was inside our Van changing my String, I was disturbed by a sound outside. I thought it was my Friends joining me and called to them. I got no answer, so investigated, and then saw this Old Man with a Lamp. He told me to look in his Light. Strangely, I did, but was far away, maybe 8 feet. Then a Golden Light shot out and took hold of me. Next thing I remember is being in a Capsule-like Room and brought to this place, that was it". He continued, "I walked out into the Field and came to these Buildings, was surrounded by those Furry little things and met the Black Giant Monstrocity, Oblika. I thought I had died and gone to Hell!". Patrick said.

           "That would be a shocker Patrick", said Neil. 

           "So that is about it Mike", Neil Continued, "this is how it is that we all came to be here--sound familiar to you?" Neil pressed on….” We are not just four men, force-formed into somebody’s else’s ‘Band’. No, we are part of something much larger- a web of mysteries and enigmas. Oblika is our key to unraveling it all. But we must tread carefully. Neil leaned forward, his eyes piercing. Trust no one completely. Not even each other for now.”

             The room seemed to hold its breath. The Band members hung onto Neal’s every word. Their minds racing. What secrets would they uncover? And what sacrifices would they make in their pursuit of the truth?

           As Neil continued, his voice steady and resolute, the lounge room transformed into a sanctuary of secrets- a place where destiny awaited them. They were no longer just Musicians; they were players in a universal symphony, and the notes they struck would resonate far beyond their own lives.

            And so, in that dimly lit room, the band members listened, their fates intertwined, ready to embark on a journey.



             "I have many more questions about this," Mike exclaimed, "like Clothing, Food, why exactly are we needed to play to FENGUs, for 'Pathfinders and Supremes'. If you fellas have been here for weeks, Months-how come these Buildings look as if they have not been lived in?" 

             Mike looked at the empty Box on the Stand in the Corner, the 'Non-Television'. 

           "Like what is all THAT about Guys? Mike pointed at this bizarre effigy to Electronica. We are just going to watch the 'Box'?" Mike giving a little giggle.

            Neil and the others laughed too.

           "No..ha ha ha, we have been living over the other side of this Field, in the Instrument Building". Mark revealed. He continued..."we decided we would not move into this Set of lodgings until all Four of us were here. It looks like you are our missing Link in this Group Mike", explained Mark quite matter of factly.

              “Ah, I see! So, you three have been living in an Instrument Building across the field. That sounds like a well-thought-out plan to wait until everyone was together before moving into this set of lodgings. And now that I am here, it seems the group is complete!” Mike stated logically. The empty buildings still piqued Mike’s curiosity. Perhaps to hold more secrets waiting to be uncovered. Maybe there is a hidden purpose behind their seemingly uninhabited appearance.

              Neil addressed the decor. 

            "The FENGUs are apparently manufacturing a rudimentary Television for us, probably will have nothing for Channels though, and once one of these is built, they plan to install it in here. To keep up appearances for our benefit", Neil’s humour lightened the mood, and the group shared a hearty laugh. The idea of a basic Television without channels seemed both amusing and endearing. Perhaps it would serve as a quirky conversation piece in their shared space.

            "It will be a crowning Historical and Technical achievement for them!" Said Neil, to which they all laughed some more.
           "They try to please us", a chuckling Patrick stated.

           "At least they are not planning on eating us! Wait a mo, FENGUs making T.Vs?! Are they even capable of that? " Mike now sounding quite fascinated. 

            Mark contributing. "I'm unsure about their Tooling and Design capabilities, after all it is a very technical item, but we know about their prowess at assembling things. They have great fine Motor Skills-and they can get unlimited help from Oblika and his friends. So, to answer this question- YES, they CAN, in time.” Stating Mark assuredly. 

             Neil agreed with Mark. "Yes, I too believe they'll eventually figure it out. Let me tell you a little about what we already know of these Creatures Mike". Neil began to tell Mike of the various FENGUs types on Jellsius 4. Neil’s enthusiasm was palpable as he launched into an animated description of the FENGUs on this Planet.

              Neil continued. "There are many different types of FENGUs on this Planet. There are the Desert FENGUs, Stout and sturdy, the ‘Digger’ variety, most often used in Mining operations. They have a hard exoskeleton and an ability to store Moisture in sacks within their bodies. They burrow deep into the Planet’s Crust, unearthing rare crystals used for energy generation”.

            “There is the Forest variety. The ‘Forest-folk, or ‘Pastorals’. This type is used mainly in agricultural enterprises. This is the sort that reside in this region around us.” Neil further elaborated.

            “One variety lives near the Polar Ice Caps in the North and South, and store Fat layers, and have a lot more fur coverage. These ones are called the ‘Sleepers’ due to their lengthy hibernation cycles.”

              “Another kind lives in Mountainous Regions, and this is the type which can Fly! ‘Luminous Floaters’. They are sleek and stream-lined and launch themselves off high points and cliffs. Their undersides are luminous, and this is used to communicate more than those Clicks the other types use more.  When it comes to these guys...," Neil points in the direction of those FENGUs outside, “...these little Fellas are the Pastoral Region ones, and they make up the largest variety of their Race. They are the most Industrial and Intelligent of all. Or so Oblika has told us". Neil had made himself the resident expert of these fascinating and strange little life-forms.

               Mark wanted to mention something also about the FENGUs. 

              "We have been informed by Oblika that a Celebration will be happening later this day, in recognition of the fact that there are now Four of us, and the Band Group number is complete," Mark said with an air of pride in his Voice. Mark’s announcement resonated with a sense of accomplishment. The completion of the Band Group, now consisting of four members, was a significant milestone. The anticipation of the upcoming Celebration filled the air, and Mark’s pride was palpable. Mark continued to inform Mike about the Roles of the FENGUs and bring him up to speed. 

               "Since we have arrived here, one at a time, these Creatures have been bringing us Food, Beverages and provided us with Clothes other than with what we arrived here in. Clothing thus far has been like a sort of Robe", Mark explained. 

                Mark’s description of the clothing provided by the creatures piqued Mike’s curiosity. It seems that their attire resembles a robe, which can evoke a sense of comfort and relaxation. While Mike didn’t possess specific details about the exact robes they are provided with, he now recollected seeing some crumpled, brown shirt-like fabrics inside the building complex on what seemed like beds.

               Patrick now spoke up. "They are obviously controlled in some way by Oblika, who must instruct them so, but basically, they have kept us ALIVE with all our basic needs Mike. So, we repay this Kindness by co-operation. But really, what choice do we have?" Patrick sounding fatalistic now. 

               Patrick’s words carried a heavy weight-the delicate balance between survival and co-operation. The creatures, guided by Oblika, provide sustenance and clothing, thus ensuring the group’s survival. In return, the humans co-operate, bound by necessity. It’s a symbiotic relationship, albeit one with limited agency. The fatalistic undertone underscores their lack of alternatives.

              Neil added an important point. 

            "Mike, we brought you into this Room as we think it is the deepest point inside this House Complex where our Minds may NOT be read by Oblika? If Oblika is close to you- he can read your thoughts--this is not only intrusive, but it could be fatal for any of us too, so we at best will attempt to maintain positive thoughts and speak in Low Voices" Neil continued.  "By being together as much as possible, we also think that the 'Extra Noise' our combined Minds generate could confound Oblika's ability to read us accurately?"

             Neil’s cautious approach makes sense. In this precarious situation, where their thoughts are vulnerable to Oblika’s intrusion, they must take every precaution. By selecting the deepest room within their Housing Complex, they hope to minimize the chances of Oblika reading their minds? The logic being here, is that the farther they are from Oblika, the weaker the telepathic connection might be? Neil emphasized the importance of maintaining positive thoughts and speaking in low voices. Positive thoughts could act as a shield against negative influences, while speaking softly reduces the risk of being overheard. The idea of generating “extra noise” through their combined minds is an intriguing one. Perhaps the cacophony of thoughts serves to confuse Oblika’s ability to focus on any one individual? It is akin to creating static interference to disrupt a signal. In this clandestine struggle for survival, their unity becomes their greatest protection. This was a brilliant strategy.

             Neil added another good point....

           "Besides, deep in here, he will not be able to sneak up on us easily due to his bulk and size, making noise enough moving in these connecting Tunnels. Unless he is directly above us on the Roof, pivoting up there, but I think he has better things to do than be a Gymnast. He is a very busy Ardoccan after all." Said Neil wryly.

            "In other words, Mike, PLEASE TRY and think HAPPY thoughts," Patrick grinning to the latest newcomer. "The FENGUs are doing their best to look after us, please us and be entertaining, to get our approval". 
            "Okay. I get it, we are at Risk and should be on Guard to protect ourselves, and each other", said Mike in logical conclusion.

            "Correct", said Neil. 

           "And what of this 'Shadow man'? Mike inquired and changing the subject, looking at Neil. 
           "We can only tell you what we have been told by, ah, the enigmatic Oblika. It is not a Man. More an Entity that defies our understanding, weaving its existence through the fabric of space and time. It is as if the very essence of chaos and discord is its sustenance, and it thrives on the negative energies of civilisations.”

            Neil continued. “It can take multiple Forms, shift its shapes, taking on myriad forms and slipping through the veils of reality. Perhaps it wears a mask of a shadow, or perhaps it morphs into the whispers of a forgotten legend? It Travels in Space and settles upon selected Planets to literally vacuum up Good Will from the Dominant Species. Thus, leaving Discord, Social Chaos, Wars and Destruction in its wake- by using Extreme Negative Influences. Its purpose is to extract goodwill from the dominant species- and at the same time, both intriguing and unsettling.”

            And so, Mike in trying to extract more fascinating intel from Neil inquired further.

            “So, the dominant species unwittingly fuels its own demise then? Their Goodwill and Mental Health, for a better description, is no longer their beacon of hope, but a double-edged sword. The extend nominal kindness, but this then becomes twisted into malevolence.” Mike presses.

           “Correct Mike, the cycle perpetuates, leaving worlds scarred and civilisations fractured.”                      

             Neil pushed on with this briefing.

           “The best Defence against it's Power is to leave it NO CRACKS to get into. A Happy Race, or a Happy Species, focused upon a love of something creates so powerful a Barrier against the Evilness of the ‘Shadow man’, that this has the effect of heaping Snow onto a Fire. Then will cause him to move on--in theory that is".

             Neil replied very thoroughly. "We have ALL been selected for our Temperaments, our Abilities to get along and with no ONE PERSON trying to 'run' the Group. We all share in this responsibility, as well as our Skills in Music--to be best suited for this Job, as a small Community.”

              Mike had to ask more. “But why? How do we counter-act this entity? Are we to be cosmic Janitors, sweeping away the surge of Malevolence created by this force?”

             Neil answered, “We may never know. This ‘Shadow man’ remains elusive, a Galactic riddle wrapping itself in darkness. Oblika’s job is to stop its insatiable march across the Universe, across the areas controlled by his species, the Ardoccans. He is in many ways, a brave soul.”


                Mike seemed to grasp the very essence of the reason why these four were here now.

"And so, OUR Job is to play Music, Rock and Roll Music, to Beings that have never heard such Songs or Sounds before--in the hopes of bringing Joy and a great wave of happy excitement, as a deterrent against the arriving 'Shadow man' Entity". Said Mike, correctly summarizing this Logic.

              "That's right." Patrick and Mark replied in unison.

              "Corrector mun-do", said Neil smiling. "Now, do you think we can do this Mike?" he said.

            " Well, we'll just have to try and give it our best shots, won't we?" Said Mike grinning. “And do what it is we enjoy doing the most—playing Music.”


              The Meeting broke up in a few more Minutes after the other three gave Mike a good impression of what was over in the Instrument Storage Building across the Field. 

              The Four Band mates now would choose which of them would decide to take which Bedroom. Once the sleeping arrangements were sorted out, Neil, Patrick and Mark would begin to Transfer their Bedding, Belongings and Effects into their respective Rooms, with a few willing FENGU 'Helpers' assisting in some carrying Duties. Mike felt a little bit in the way with all this packing and re-packing of items for Various Rooms going on around him, so retreated to his Bedroom. 

              Mike had decided to go into his own Bedroom, but had nothing to put in it, then remembered his Guitar was still in the 'Kitchen' Room out front. Walking from his Bedroom out to retrieve his Guitar from the 'Kitchen' Room, he was shocked to see a small Army of FENGUs bringing in Bundles of Clothing for the Band Members. And Platter after Platter of Food and Drinks for them all, each being carried by two FENGUs.

              There was what looked like a Pile of Sandwiches on one Platter, another with a shape of a small Red Pig which seemed to wobble madly from side to side when carried, as if it were made of Jelly? Other Platters contained what appeared to be some kinds of different Fruits and white Cubes. Another held green, orange, and purple floral displays with centres of Bite-sized, Multi-coloured Balls of something? It all looked very appealing and colourful to the Eye, but none of these Food Items seemed at all familiar to Mike. 

              Other FENGUs were carrying bundles of Folded Fabric Clothing, while others were pushing a Trolley of Bottles and Cups of a steaming, white Liquid that as this Trolley passed by Mike, he could smell from the residual Steam in the Room, the unmistakable Odor of …Almonds. 

               Whatever this Food will taste like, it sure looked great! Mike had just been reminded how Hungry he now was, as had not eaten in at least two, or three Days and possibly a few Lights Years ago too? As soon as he gets to eat, into some clean clothing and out of his Boots, he would begin to relax more.

               As the Procession of Food passed him by, his Belly began to Rumble. He would scoop up his Guitar and run back down the Tunnels to excitedly alert his Band Mates to let them know that -Dinner was served! 


                                                                    END OF CHAPTER VII: "SOME ANSWERS & THE 'SHADOWMAN'.
